Creating magazines

Creating magazines

Magazines are created in the Magazine Designer. If you start a new magazine the first step is to give it a name. Each name can only be used for one magazine. However, a magazine name can be reused for as many issues as the editor wants. To ensure that an editor does not unnecessarily take up a lot of names, it costs 250 goMoney to buy a magazine name.

NB! Magazine names cannot be changed once they have been bought! Make sure to pick the right name and get the spelling right!

The team for each issue can consist of different journalists, meaning that the editor invites journalists on an individual basis. This way the workload can be spread on more than one person. It is up to the editor to invite journalists to the team.

Things to consider
Exactly how the team creates the magazine issue we will leave to you, but here are a few things that are important to think about:

  • Who does what in the team?
  • When should the issue be published - is there a deadline?
  • You are not allowed to use copyrighted pictures, text, or real life magazine names so make sure that everybody on the team respects this!
  • You should never use real pictures of yourself in magazines*
  • Never use pictures of teammates in magazines without getting their permission!*

*) The reason is that once a magazine is published you cannot take it back again if you change your mind.
