10 latest goTests taken by Aukku

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Aukku tell about them.

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Title Result  
would i like you damn can you ever decide or pick sides haha? nahh you're chill, don't love or hate u tho but ur alright › Take goTest
Are you an OG-gSm person?? you know EVERYTHING!!! You're an real OG <33 › Take goTest
What type of bee are you?  Bumble Bee You are a happy kinda bee – and you want the world to know! Bumblebee’s work hard to pollenate flowers and like you, enjoy a sing- song to get through the day. Go you! › Take goTest
Are you a Rori or a Camzilla?

OMG! You are totally a fashionista like Rori. I bet you have a giant wardrobe collection and care about collecting rare, special items too. 

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Dogs or cats? You are definitely more of a cat-person! › Take goTest
lets test u ur like me › Take goTest
Are you addicted to GoSupermodel? Uhmm.. Girlie.. Maybe you should consider going outside every once in a while? You're very addicted and it's showing! Thanks for making this an active community, love having you here <3 › Take goTest
are you gay? you are most definitely gay. well done :) › Take goTest
What kind of a witch are you? You are a Celestial Witch or a Witch of the Moon! You find your best answers from gazing at the stars and using astrology. You are clever and seek answers, and want to learn more about the earth by studying the sky which sits above it. › Take goTest
What Pokemon Type are you? You are a Flying Type! You're quick and motivated. If there is something to do you're there, no matter the time or location. A very reliable friend. › Take goTest
goTests created by Aukku