Pullip FAQ


What Pullip dolls are?

Pullips are 30cm sized Asian fashion and collector dolls manufactured by Groove. These dolls have a recommended age limit, which is 14.


Earlier Pullip dolls had different manufacturers, which was Jun Planning, but in the year 2009 on February, Pullip was moved on to Groove.


Pullip family consists of Dal, Byul, Isul, Taeyang, Namu, Yeolume and smaller versions of them, like Little and Docolla dolls. They are small 10cm sized dolls.


Pullip dolls have pretty broad adaptability; you can change their wig, eyes, eyelashes and clothing. You can also change dolls make-up, which is called customizing in the doll community. Pullip dolls have eyemechanism, which lets the eyes move from side to side and you can close them up too. Pullip dolls are not toys and they are not made for children's play.



Pullip dolls are released about every month (with few exceptions). Usually they publish one Pullip (or more) in a month. However, this cannot be said for certain, because sometimes publications have been missed and sometimes there have been several published at once. Some of the new releases could be Limited Editions, which means there is limited availability of them, for example 100pcs.



During the years, Pullips have had four different body types, whose bendability and other characteristics differ slightly from each other. All stock bodies have good and bad sides.


Where can I buy Pullip dolls? Where is it safe to buy them from?
-Pullip Style (US): https://pullipstyle.com/
-Kilala (FI): https://www.kilala.fi/
-Pullip World (BE): https://www.pullipworld.com/en/
-Groove Store (JP): https://jpgroove.com/
-Amiami (JP): https://www.amiami.com/eng/
-Hobby Search (JP): https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/
-Dolls.moe (ES): https://dolls.moe/en/


How much Pullip family dolls cost?
130-300€, more rare ones might cost even 1000€. As used, you can find them a little bit cheaper.


I am under 14 years old. Could I buy a Pullip doll?
Yes you can, the age range is just a recommendation. You should still know that Pullip dolls are not toys and they are pretty fragile.


What would be a good model for the first Pullip doll?
The kind of doll whose stock makeup you like because everything else you can change if you want to. I recommend that before ordering the doll, you look at pictures of the doll taken by others. In the promo pictures, the doll might look a bit different than you think.


What size wigs are suitable for Pullip family dolls?
These sizes are in inches
Pullip: 9-10'' or 8-9''
-Dal / Byul / Isul / Yeolume: 8-9''
-Taeyang: 9-10''
-Littlet (all): 4-5''


Where can I buy clothing for my dolls?
Cool Cat sells basic kinds of clothing for Pullip dolls and other Pullip family dolls. They also sell eye chips and other things for them. I can also recommend Etsy. I really like Sukidolls's clothing.


What are Angelgate dolls?
Angelgate dolls are copies of the original Pullip doll. Angelgate dolls are illegal pirated products (atleast in Finland it is illegal to buy them for yourself). Buying an Angelgate doll is stealing directly from Groove, the original creator of the Pullip doll. Beware, some are sold on websites like Ebay, Etsy, Aliexpress, Amazon Ligntinthebox, Taobao and they might be labled as Pullip dolls so to be sure, ask someone before buying a doll.






Namu dolls:
Namu was Pullips first boyfriend. Namus were manufactured for the first time in 2004, but their manufacturing was discontinued in May 2005. The reason for that was probably low popularity. Namus were 34cm sized and they had equivalent eye mechanism as Pullips have.


Taeyang dolls:
Taeyang dolls are Pullips' current boyfriend. Taeyang dolls, just like Namus, have the same eye mechanism as Pullips do. Taeyang dolls are 34cm and they are not significantly different from Namus. Taeyang dolls production started in March 2006.


Dal dolls:
Dal 'Taeyang's little sister' is a smaller doll than Pullip, about 26cm in size. Dals also have eyemechanism, with which Dals eyes can be moved but you can't close their eyes. Dal production started in October 2006.


Byul dolls:
Byul 'Dals best friend' are about 22cm sized dolls. Byul dolls production started in December of 2008. The current situation is that after 2014 there haven't been any new Byul dolls and there is no news of them continuing with Byuls. Byuls have the same eye mechanism as Dals, but Byuls eyes are bigger than other Pullip family dolls eyes.


Isul dolls:
Isul 'Pullips little brother' is about 26cm in size. Isul dolls. Isul's production started in February 2011. Isul dolls also have eye mechanism and Isul dolls' eyes can be closed.


Yeolume dolls:
Yeolume 'Pullips future daughter'. Yeolume dolls are the same in size as Byuls and Dals (so about 22cm) and Yeolume dolls have the same kind of mechanism as them too. Yeolume dolls production started in February 2013, but after that they had an almost seven-year break, but in 2020 Yeolume dolls came back.
There is no definite news of them continuing with Yeolumes, but from time to time they seem to publish new ones, though it is still not certain that Yeolume dolls will be a permanent part of the Pullip family.


Little & Docolla dolls:
Little and Docolla dolls are "mini versions" of Pullip family dolls and they are about 10cm in size. Little Pullips production started in January 2005. In years 2005-2007 Little releases were original releases. In years 2008-2013 Little releases were in second series, between these years Docolla (Doll + Collaboration) dolls came in. In 2011 they added other Pullip family dolls but Little Dals were sold already in October 2008. At this time Littles and Docollas manufacturing has been discontinued and there are no news of them continuing.