Forum/Chat Rules
The forum/chat are meant as places for dedicated goSupermodel users to post their thoughts, ideas, comments, etc. related to the goSupermodel community, and therefore we would like you to abide by the following rules (updated: January 2025):
- The official language of the forum/chat is English - posts that aren't made in the appropriate language will be deleted!
- We want the tone of the forum to be sober yet relatively free so use your common sense. Remember that people from ages 16 and up uses the forum.
- Be considerate of other people's ethnic or religious backgrounds - no racist comments!
- We don't expect you to agree with everything being posted, but please behave respectfully to others. Personal attacks will not be tolerated!
- Please stay on topic!
- No dating ads are allowed (posts where you ask someone else to be their online/real life partner)!
- You must not spam the forum. Posts that work like chain letters are also prohibited.
- Posts or links containing the following are deemed to be highly inappropriate and will be removed:
- Racial/ethnic hatred
- Violence
- Real-life threats
- Sexual orientation insults
- Discussions about drugs or illegal substances
- Posting cheats, hacks, or malicious programmes
- Impersonating a moderator/someone from goSupermodel team
- Posting unreleased content
- Distribution of pirated material
- Transphobic or homophobic content
- Hate towards people with disabilities, diagnoses or diseases
- Bullying or bad mouthing towards others
- We are not going to issue warnings due to slight misunderstandings or violations with the rules. However, we retain the right to put users in Time-out or ban them without warning if we see fit.
- If you are unhappy with a moderator decision, you can send a report to the goSupermodel team explaining the problem. Do not post a locked topic again, and do not launch personal attacks on the moderators in the forum.
- To have a more detailed view of the rules please have a look at the rules
Thank you for registering - enjoy your stay! :-)