goSupermodel rules


The goal of these rules is to keep goSupermodel a safe and comfortable space where everyone feels respected. We wish for goSupermodel to be as healthy as possible. These rules should be read with that goal in mind, and you should strive to make goSupermodel a place where everyone around you feels comfortable.

These rules apply to all areas on site. This includes but is not limited to: Forums, message boards, messages, games, magazines, clubs, profiles, mottos, and decors.

goSupermodel is a Danish-based branch of the mother company Momio. This means the website upholds the Danish law. If there is content on the website that breaks Danish or European laws, it will be removed and may be sanctioned accordingly.

We expect you to act in good faith in accordance with these rules and the objective behind them. Ignorance is not a valid plea when disputing a punishment.

Breaking the rules has consequences. You may have your comment deleted, get a rule reminder, a warning, a time-out (TO), a last warning (LW), a user-deletion, or a ban. Getting a warning or a single time-out (TO) does not mean your user is close to a deletion. These are often used as reminders about our rules. The type of sanction depends on how gravely you broke the rules, the severity of the rule broken, previous sanctions, and whether you have respected previous warnings.

In most cases, our users will receive a last warning message notifying the user that their account will be deleted or banned if they continue breaking a rule moving forward. We do delete or ban users that have bad intentions and are harming the community in present tense. Users who do not want to respect and learn by a warning or time-out (TO) and keep on breaking the rules are at risk of getting deleted or banned. Everyone should have a chance to learn from their mistakes and we genuinely want to include everyone into the community if they agree upon our rules and our policy.

Please keep in mind that we do not delete or ban users due to old warnings and time-outs (TOs). The main rule is that sanctions that are older than 6 months are not taken into consideration. However some sanctions that are older than 6 months might get taken into consideration, depending on the severity of the rulebreak.

If you are sanctioned and disagree with the received sanction you can reach out to the Moderator Inbox for an explanation, if you still disagree please reach out to our support at gosupermodel@watagame.com


1.1. Treat other people with respect and kindness.

Just because you tolerate trolling and teasing, does not mean the person sitting on the other side of the screen does. Treat them with kindness and respect. We do not allow bad intentions.

1.2. We have a no-tolerance for bullying.

You are not allowed to bad-mouth, gang up on, mock or bully others. This includes indirect mocking/bullying where context makes it clear that you are targeting a specific person.

We understand that inside jokes will happen. Remember that these types of jokes are difficult to understand for people who do not know the context. For this reason it is highly encouraged to use tone indicators such as /j when joking between friends or tag the friend to show clear indication that you are on each other's friend list. Please note that tone indicators do not give permission to break our rules and your comment may be removed or sanctioned if it is found offensive. This is why Moderators may edit or remove your text and hand out a sanction for bullying. 

Here you can find a list of tone indicators.

1.3. Respect people's identity, wishes and boundaries.

Do not purposely misgender people. Do not disrespect reasonable requests for how people wish to be treated. If someone is uncomfortable being referred to by a term, avoid using that term. Joking about pronouns is never allowed and will be seen as transphobic.

If a user expresses their wish for you to not contact them and you continue to contact them, for example via goMessage or quoting them in forums, it is considered as harassment (rule 7 below), and may be sanctioned as such.

Note that pro-life discussion is not allowed, as it goes against people’s right to choose.

1.4. You are not allowed to discriminate or post hateful content.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, microaggressions etc. are not tolerated. goSupermodel has a zero-tolerance for bigoted content, which will result in an immediate TO and last warning or stricter sanctions depending on severity. Hateful or discriminatory content may include, but is not limited to:

  • Commenting negatively on physical features, body types, etc.
  • Expressing/implying that some physical features, cultures etc. are being more superior/inferior than others.
  • Dismissive behaviour, tone policing and offensive language.
  • Using dog whistles or provocative comments to incite conflicts about racial issues, disabilities, religious or queer issues etc.
  • Asking invasive questions or speaking negatively to or about peoples’ backgrounds such as cultural, religious or ethnic issues with the goal of making someone uncomfortable or ostracised.
  • Speaking negatively about or to people and asking invasive questions about their gender identity, sexual identity, mental or physical health.

1.5. Treat others with respect, even when you disagree with them.

Always report bad behaviour. Even if someone else is being provocative, disrespectful or breaking the rules, you need to be respectful. You may not name-call or break any other rules if you respond to them. If you yourself break the rules, you risk getting a warning or a time-out (TO).

If you come across a user posting hateful content please contact the Moderator inbox immediately and/or contact an Admin or support. We understand that witnessing this type of behaviour can be upsetting but we urge you to report it rather than break the rules yourself. Do not assume someone else has already reported it.

1.6. You are not allowed to harass others.

If you see any of this type of behaviour please report it to the Moderator inbox and/or the admins, do not assume someone has already done so. Speaking against bigoted, racist, queerphobic etc. is permitted, if done without following them to other topics, calling-out other users or otherwise breaking the platform's rules.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Continuously trying to contact a user when they have blocked you. This includes replying to their comments in forums and continuing to quote them.
  • Continuously creating posts or topics about the user to talk about or to them.
  • Creating and uploading images that are offensive to, for example, one’s culture, (gender) identity, sexuality and religion.
  • Derogatory jokes, racial or ethnic slurs, unwelcome comments about a person’s religion, (gender) identity or sexuality.
  • Negatively commenting on/or mocking a group of people or someone’s appearance, opinions or behaviour.

If you are unsure what we mean with a specific term, you can refer to the list of definitions we have posted.


1.7.1. Do not make posts calling out others.

You may under no circumstance create posts calling out other people in a negative, harmful, hurtful or unwanted way, this includes Staff, volunteers and other users. Constructive criticism is welcome and permitted.

By call-out posts, we mean both posts directly naming the user in question as well as posts that, whilst not naming a person, obviously refer to a specific person in a way that users are able to figure out who it is. Call-out posts are, but are not limited to:

  • “I can not believe that someone made a topic about [insert subject here]! How stupid.”
  • “[Insert model name], you really thought you were smart”
  • Post mocking a recent topic

1.7.2. You are not allowed to share others information without consent.

Even if the information can be found online, it is not allowed to share that information without the consent of the user, staff member or volunteer in question. 

Sharing screenshots of messages, content from goMessages or content outside of goSupermodel without consent from any of our users, volunteers or staff members is strictly prohibited, especially when such sharing is intended to harm, spread negativity, or incite others to engage in harmful activities. This includes but is not limited to personal information, disrespectful remarks, or any form of harassment. Any violation of the rule will result in content removal and warning, time-out (TO), deletion or ban depending on the severity of the violation.

We want to emphasise that the culture of sharing negative loaded screenshots is not something we encourage. It can lead to the spread of negativity and harm within our community. However, if you do encounter disturbing content created by one of our users, volunteers or staff that raises your concerns please send it directly to info@watagame.com. We shall then investigate it further and take needed actions. Do not share it on any public platform including goSupermodel, as this will inevitably feed toxicity and fear, which is not to the benefit of the community.

If there is content of you that is shared online without your permission, you can request to have it removed by goSupermodel and the website the content is being shared on.

Some resources to help you delete content off the internet are listed below. Click the name of the country to go to the designated website for help. If you know any resources that we have not included, please contact the Moderator Inbox or support at gosupermodel@watagame.com

Remove content from Google








Spamming includes but is not limited to:

  • Making blank topics without any context, images or videos to give the topic a point.
  • Sending a massive amount of messages to a user. If this happens to you, you may report the model for spamming. After, we advise you to use the block function to stop the user from messaging you altogether.
  • Sending a massive amount of messages to users. Excluding if users have asked for, for example a notification for a competition, a new magazine release, birthday magazine related messages or they are clearing out their friend list.
  • Posting the same or similar type of message in multiple forums.
  • Creating multiple threads about the same topic (For example, three threads about "Selling my wardrobe")

3.1. Do not spam the same word or sentence in a message.

Spamming the same letter, word or sentence in one message can flood a page, be disruptive in general and to people using screen readers or people with visual impairments or sensory issues. Repeating a word or sentence up to five times is allowed. Having more of such will result with the spam content being removed or messages getting deleted. Keep in mind that this could also be disruptive to people using screen readers

For example:

  • “Slay slay slay” is allowed.
  • “HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAH’’ is allowed.
  • “No no no no no no no no no no no no no” is not allowed.
  • “I do not like this I do not like this I do not like this I do not like this I do not like this I do not like this” is not allowed.

Visual copypastas are also not allowed in any form. Text copypastas are allowed if they are in context of the topic. However, it is not allowed to keep reposting the same copypasta or spam/flood the forums with them. Emoji banners are not allowed outside of topics made for them, see more in EMOJI USE.

3.2. No begging or unsolicited advertisement in other people’s forums or inboxes.

You are allowed to send kind greetings and messages to user’s inboxes, but do so considerately and keep in mind that it may annoy others.

3.3. Do not create forums that encourage others to spam for your own gain.

This means creating topics where you say that you will gift the person who bumps or bumps the most. You are allowed to host competitions where users may interact in a rushed manner, such as “first on page xx wins”, quizzes or similar. Such competition posts are not qualified as spam, as they typically attract a lot of user engagement, it also does not fall under the 10-minute rule (see rule 3.3 below).

3.4. Do not excessively bump forums.

You must wait 10 minutes between your bump comments, even if someone else has commented in the forum. This includes bumping with your alt account(s).

What we consider as a bump:

  • Commenting “bumping” or “bump”
  • Commenting on the topic with just an emoji, when the emoji does not serve a purpose in the conversation
  • Commenting one letter
  • Other empty comments that are not meant to continue or engage in a conversation
  • Bumping up topics that are several months old with the intent to spam or not add to the conversation

Continuing a conversation within the 10-minute timeframe is allowed if it is not used in a way to bump the topic indirectly. A conversation can still take place, but should not be the main reason to keep your topic on the front page if it derails the initial subject of the topic.


4.1. You need to write in English on the website.

You may use single words or short sentences that the majority of people recognize (such as “bonjour mademoiselle” or “gracias”). Well-known pronouns, quotations and aphorisms are also allowed, as long as their meanings are clear within the context of the topic/conversation. For the recognizable short sentences, we consider a short sentence to be up to 5 words. If the sentence is longer than that we ask that you provide a translation. Please remember that all rules still need to be followed when writing in another language.

You may also mention the name or quote a known phrase of a piece of media (films, TV-shows, songs…etc.), in another language as long as it is apparent from the context that you are speaking of a piece of media. An example would be “I really love the show La Casa de Papel” or quoting the ducks from The Aristocats in another language than English.

You are also allowed to mention the name of local dishes or ingredients, as long as the context makes it clear what you are speaking about.

For permitted terms please refer to this section on site.

Remember that this applies everywhere on the website, including goMessages, friend message boards, games and clubs.

4.2. No sexualized language or sexual harassment of others.

Be mindful that the platform is 16+ and there are minors present. You are not allowed to use derogatory language or language that sexualizes other people anywhere on the platform.

Within the 18+ forum category, you are allowed to talk about sexual topics as long as it is in a respectful manner, with consent and not making any remarks to other users who may find these uncomfortable or offensive. Please read through the 18+ section rules before posting.

4.3. No slurs.

It is not allowed to use any slurs to insult a specific person or a specific group of people. It is also not allowed to circumvent the rules or censored words by replacing a letter with a number or emoji. For example writing “w4ter” instead of “water" would not be allowed. Please know that the word is used as an example and is not against the rules.

4.4. Cursing rules

You are allowed to curse, but you are not allowed to use curse words to negatively affect other people. It is never allowed to use any illnesses, disabilities or marginalised identities as curse words or insults anywhere on the platform.

Examples of cursing that is allowed:

  • “This weather is shit”
  • “I hit my toe and it fucking hurts”

Examples of cursing that is not allowed:

  • “Fuck you”
  • “You are a piece of shit”


For alt specific rules, check the ALT RULES section

5.1. You are not allowed to log-in to another person’s user, share your account or to share your log-in information with someone else

  • As an exception, it is allowed to have personal care assistants using your account with your approval.
  • It is also allowed to have other people present while you are online on the website.

5.2. You are not allowed to scam other users.

Scamming includes, but is not limited to:

  • Asking others for their password.
  • Not accepting an agreed trade offer that is made up of multiple trades.
  • Not trading the goMoney after someone helped you with 40% off in the shop or not buying the items when someone has traded you the goMoney for 40% off.
  • Not gifting someone when they have won your competition.
  • Not giving back borrowed items.

Putting up items in auctions is your own responsibility. If you sold a wrong item on auctions, or an item with the wrong price, they do not have to return the item on request. If you buy an item for a higher price than it’s considered value, they do not have to return the goMoney on request.

5.3. You are not allowed to use scripts or software that impact goSupermodel’s functions in order to gain an unfair advantage.

It is not allowed to use scripts or software to gain an unfair advantage.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Scripts/software to cheat in any of the goSupermodel games
  • Scripts/software to send lots of greetings to another user. (It is allowed to trade greetings with other users using the trade function within limits - see rules on use of alt accounts)
  • Scripts/software that interact with the mechanics of flying pigs

It is allowed to use user-created initiatives, such as an extension that does not give an unfair advantage by adding different coloured forum backgrounds for your own posts. However, we recommend you use caution when doing so; and it will be at your own risk.

5.4. You are not allowed to buy votes.

You are not allowed to buy votes using greetings, trades, gifts, etc. as this would give you an unfair advantage.


6.1. You must be at least 16 years of age to create an account.

If you are under 16 years of age, your account will be deleted and you will be banned from goSupermodel until you have reached the age of 16 years. When you have reached this age, you may reach out to support at gosupermodel@watagame.com and your ban can be lifted.

6.2. You are not allowed to use goSupermodel as a dating platform.

This means that you may not use goSupermodel to find a romantic partner. Dating ads are prohibited. You are allowed to jokingly make forums or comments about this, with consent from the other user and using tone indicators. Sarcasm and jokes of this nature are difficult to read in an online environment which is why we ask you to use tone indicators, if this is not done Moderators may edit your post to add tone indicators, remove your text or hand out sanctions.

We understand that inside jokes will happen. Remember that these types of jokes are difficult to understand for people who do not know the context.

6.3. You are not allowed to impersonate others.

This includes real-life people and groups, other users, staff members and volunteers or stating that you are a staff member or a volunteer undercover. It is allowed to have a fictional character’s name as long as the character is not made fun of in a disrespectful way or sexualizing them.

6.4. The report function must be used as intended.

Do not report users unless you believe they are breaking the rules.

It is not allowed to encourage others to mass report a user or to participate in a mass report.

It is not allowed to report the same thing on multiple accounts.

It is not allowed to mass report a user or encourage others to mass report a user.

6.5. We do not punish users for incidents that happen outside of goSupermodel.

We may however punish users for sharing links etc. on-platform to content that goes against the rules of goSupermodel, this includes but is not limited to; call-outs, misinformation, graphic content of war, pornographic content etc.

  • Always report the incident to the platform where it took place.

6.6. Users are not allowed to conspire with others to break the rules of goSupermodel.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Encouraging others to speak in other languages than English
  • Encouraging others to mass report a user
  • Encouraging others to use items inappropriately, more information under “item use’’.
  • Encouraging others to do the same as they did to receive a warning
  • Encouraging others to spam (the same) messages

6.7. Discussing warnings and time-outs (TOs).

Users may discuss or share their warnings and time-outs (TOs) but not if it’s directly quoting sensitive or disturbing content or if it’s done to:

  • Badmouth moderators, staff or users
  • Encourage others to commit the same transgression
  • Try to figure out which moderator gave the warning
  • Spread false information by creating a fake warning

Sensitive, triggering or disturbing content includes but is not limited to:

  • Sexual abuse or pornographic content
  • Racism or hate speech
  • Slurs
  • Queerphobia/ transphobia
  • Graphic descriptions of war
  • Doxxing
  • Self harm

In short, you should not share quotes of your sanctions in case the content of the quote is breaking the rule. By sharing that sanction you would be breaking the same rule again.

If you need an explanation as to why you have received a warning, you should contact the Moderator Inbox. If you disagree with a warning/time-out (TO) you have received, please reach out to support at gosupermodel@watagame.com


Moderators reserve the right to lock down forum discussions if they, by our discretion, get out of hand or appear to be in bad faith/purely to cause a reaction. Admins reserve the right to moderate goMessages, Friend Message Board and other sections on the platform that are not mentioned here. All rules are applicable here, and it's especially important to remember the rule to treat others with respect when posting on the forums.

If the moderators lock your topic, do not make a new one about the same thing. If you keep on making new topics about the original topic you may get a sanction. If you wonder why your topic got locked, please reach out to the Moderator Inbox with a link and information about the topic.

Note that gaining consent from the user or writing on behalf of someone else, does not give anyone permission to break the rules. For example in truthing topics or anonymous confessions.

7.1. We do not allow the discussion of the following topics (remember, we are a [PG16] website):

7.1.1. Graphic discussions of sex are not allowed outside of the 18+ forum section.

Discussing sex is allowed, but do so in a neutral and considerate manner. We do not allow unsolicited sexual comments or content. More graphic discussions (but not images) about sex can only happen in the 18+ forum category. Graphic discussions should only be held in the 18+ section if it is done in a neutral and considerate manner.

Remember  that sexting and similar activities are still not allowed anywhere on the platform and sexual conversations must remain discussed in a respectful manner, with consent and not making any remarks to other users who may find these uncomfortable or offensive.

7.1.2. Graphic descriptions of violence. 

Discussions of violence are allowed if they are not going into details of the violence. This includes, but is not limited to glorifying or joking about animal abuse, domestic abuse, sexual assault, wars and (international) conflicts. Graphic details include but are not limited to; how, when, where (for example, specific body parts, not geographical locations). Graphic details do not include for example how many people were killed, remember to use Trigger Warnings [TW] and Content Warnings [CW].

7.1.3. Encouraging or promoting the usage or selling of illegal drugs and substances. 

Discussing illegal drugs and substances is still not allowed however you can talk about policies surrounding drugs and substances and recovery from drug abuse, side effects and sharing resources to reach out for help. You are allowed to discuss medical use of drugs and substances but keep in mind the rule below about seeking and giving medical advice and that it's not allowed.

Note that Cannabis is illegal in Denmark and therefore belongs in the category of illegal drugs.

7.1.4. Recommending brands or types of medication, their usage and seeking or giving medical advice. 

You are allowed to speak about prescribed medication that you are taking and sharing your personal experiences, but not promote the medication itself. 

7.1.5. Promotion of religions and harmful ideology.

It is allowed to share your own beliefs, as long as they do not go against other rules and you are not convincing others to convert or forcing your beliefs or opinions upon others. 

7.1.6. Forcing your (political) opinion onto others.

Political discussions are allowed in moderation and must be kept civil and respectful. We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe on the website. Political views or discussions that are against the rules under the TREAT OTHER PEOPLE WITH RESPECT” section of the rules are still not allowed to be discussed.

7.1.7. Graphic discussions or promotion of self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, and other triggering topics.

Discussions about these topics are allowed, if they are not going into detail and contain a trigger warning in the forum title or start of the comment (if there is no trigger warning yet).
For example, mention that you have an eating disorder without mentioning graphic details.

7.1.8. Topics stating that you are in a suicidal or mental health crisis.

Sharing these kinds of topics can be triggering to other users. goSupermodel is not a website equipped with resources to help people going through mental health crises, and we therefore have to delete content that might be triggering to others. If you are in need of help, please look into our mental health resources forum.

7.1.9. Topics about weight-loss/weight-gain and diets.

Topics about meal-prepping, healthy substitutes or sports are allowed. Topics regarding calorie counts, talk about weight in numbers, encouraging others to try a diet or excessive working out are not allowed.
You are allowed to discuss your own experiences, for example how people treat you after gaining or losing weight.
If you are looking for the rule regarding eating disorders look at rule 7.1.7.

7.1.10. Sending chain messages or copypastas.

You are not allowed to send chain messages or copy pastas where it's stated that the user needs to do something in order to avoid, for example: Bad luck, get hacked or deleted.

7.1.11. Discussion about [PG18] media is only allowed within the 18+ section.

For example, TV shows, song lyrics, plays/theatre shows, comics, video games, or novels. Graphic details are still not allowed and topics should include trigger warning [TW] or content warning [CW] when necessary. GoSupermodel is a [PG16] platform.

7.2. Do not derail topics from their ongoing subject.

It is not allowed to start a completely new subject as an incentive to get rid of the previously talked about subject. This includes, but is not limited to taking over a topic to discuss something unrelated to the original or ongoing subject intentionally, as well as continuing to derail the topic after having been explained why it's an issue.

7.3 We encourage you to use tone indicators on the forums.

Find a reliable source to link resources to tone indicators and link it here or create a new list somewhere that we can link to. The use of tone indicators is not mandatory but heavily encouraged. See list of tone indicators here.

Using tone indicators helps both the moderators in determining if something is a joke or serious for sanctioning and the rest of the userbase. If you do not use tone indicators it is not a sanctionable offence.

7.4. Use trigger warnings [TW] or content warnings [CW] when you are talking about sensitive topics.

Sensitive topics can be triggering to other users. That is why it is necessary to use trigger or content warnings. For an explanation of how to use these, please see below:

  • Content Warning (CW) usually indicated broader topics of concern. For example, CW: Sex toys
  • Trigger Warning (TW) indicates issues of personal trauma. For example, TW: SA (Sexual assault)

The moderators may edit your title or comment to include a trigger warning if necessary. If you are making a forum game like Murder train, The Hunger Games or any other similar game please include Trigger warning or Content Warning in the original forum post if it includes any of the following

7.5. Do not make forums about locked topics.

They were locked for a reason. If the topic was not locked due to a rule break because of the subject or the first post and instead for example due to conflict, you can make a new forum post about it.

If you are unsure if you can create a new topic about it or disagree with the decision to lock the forum, or if you wish a further explanation, reach out to the
Moderator Inbox. If you continue to create topics about a locked forum, you may receive a warning or time-out (TO).

7.6. You are not allowed to spread misinformation or cause harmful speculation.

You are not allowed to make topics purely to provoke people, cause harmful speculation or spread misinformation to cause distrust or uncertainty. Forums that have the potential to spread misinformation or cause harmful speculation will be locked. These topics include but are not limited to misinformation or speculation about polarising, dangerous, defamation or controversial topics.

Keep in mind that screenshots, videos or other visual material can be altered and are not always real. If there is any evidence regarding a situation within the goSupermodel team we ask you to send an email with evidence to gosupermodel@watagame.com, they will thereafter investigate the matter fully.

7.7. You are not allowed to purposely provoke people or cause a reaction.

This includes but is not limited to, discussions questioning gender identity, race, religion and disabilities/conditions in a way that opens the door for negative and harmful opinions.

  • Making statements or asking questions with the intent to get a certain (negative) reaction out of people.
  • Making statements or asking questions that negatively target a specific group of people or opinions.
  • Contact other users when they have repeatedly asked you not to. Replying to one message does not count as provoking. Continually doing so does.

  For example, these comments are not allowed

  • Is it transphobic to not date a trans person?
  • What do you think of pronouns/neopronouns?
  • What is your / do you have a racial preference in dating?
  • Eating meat is immoral
  • Do you think religion is bad?
  • Does reverse racism exist?
  • Is self-diagnosis valid?
  • Should underage trans people be able to medically transition?
  • Topics that seek to discuss the validity of queer identities.
  • Do you think goSupermodel is ‘’too woke’’
  • Taking away anyone's rights ‘’X people shouldn't have kids/have the right to vote’’

  • Making statements or asking questions with the intent to get a certain (negative) reaction out of people. For instance “touch grass”, “get a life” etc.
  • Making statements or asking questions that negatively target a specific group of people or opinions. For example “all carrots are the same” carrot being used as a filler word for a group of people or opinion.
  • Contact other users when they have repeatedly asked you not to.

7.8. Emoji rules

Emojis are a fun way to give more context and tone indication to your messages. They should not be used in ways to break the rules. Therefore, emojis should not be used in the following ways:

  • Using emojis to write censored words and/or messages.
  • Using emojis in a sexual manner outside of the 18+ forum category.
  • Using emojis to spam a forum message. ‘Emoji banners’ are only allowed in profiles, goBlogs and forum topics regarding emoji banners. They are not allowed anywhere else on-site as it forms an issue for users using screen readers or people with sensory issues.
  • Using emojis to bypass any of the rules.
  • Using emojis to make a topic seem like it was made by staff or a volunteer team with ill intent

7.9. Roleplay/story rules

Please bear in mind that all of the platform's rules also apply to roleplay and stories, it is not allowed to discriminate against race, sexual orientation, disabilities etc when roleplaying or adding characters.

It is not allowed to copy other’s roleplay topics or concepts and make them your own without permission from the original author of the roleplay. If you use a concept made by someone else without permission, the roleplay or story will get deleted. You are allowed to make popular and general concepts of roleplay without asking permission such as roleplaying in an actual city such as Chicago, sharing an apartment or being in a band.

When roleplaying, make sure you do not break any of the rules by getting too graphic with describing certain scenes. Keep in mind that sexual violence is not allowed, therefore graphic description of sexual assault is not allowed either. Violent scenes are allowed but should include a trigger warning (TW) at the top of the message. For roleplay or stories that are based on books or movies (for example: The Hunger Games) mentions of harm should not get too graphic. Mentions of killing a character should always include a trigger warning and should not go into full detail on how this is happening to the character.

It is not allowed to write sexual roleplays anywhere, even in the 18+ forum category.

7.10. You are not allowed to give/seek professional medical advice.

This means that you can not attempt to diagnose others with an illness or give advice on what medical decisions they need to make. These are conversations people should have with healthcare professionals.

Users who are trained professionals in the medical field can still not advise users as we have no way to confirm they are actual professionals. This is also due to the fact that every country has different rules and laws within the medical field. We recommend that a user finds medical help if they feel unwell.

You are, however, allowed to ask for tips to deal with symptoms (for example, asking people what they do to help with a migraine), as long as it’s clear that it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice or trying a drug.


You must be 18 years or older to view, comment or post.

Please note that the regular goSupermodel rules also apply to this section. This means that you must respect others, not spam, speak in English, as well as follow all the other rules.

Moderators reserve the right to lock forums that seem to be in bad faith or causing more harm than good.

8.1. Remember these when using the 18+ forum section

  • You must use a Trigger Warning (TW) or a Content Warning (CW) at the start of titles or comments with triggering topics. This should include the subject of the trigger warning. For example, TW: SA (Sexual assault) or CW: Sex toys
  • Check rule 8.3, The “No-go” list, before posting.
  • Check to see if someone else has made a similar topic as you recently (on the same day or 6. the first five pages of the section). If they have, please do not create a duplicate and use that topic to continue that conversation.
  • If the moderators lock your topic, do not make a new one about the same thing. If you keep on making new topics about the original topic you may get a sanction. (If you wonder why your topic got locked, please reach out to the Moderator Inbox with a link and information about the topic.

8.2. Topics that are only permitted inside of the 18+ section:

  • Sexual and sex-related topics

If you are a minor; keep in mind that there are safer alternatives to finding information about these topics than asking strangers online.

  • Alcoholic products, if it’s not done to encourage excessive consumption, or to shame other people who have chosen not to consume alcohol.
  • You are still permitted to discuss alcohol products that have less than 0.50% alcohol content outside of the 18+ section.
  • Cigarettes and nicotine use if it's not done to encourage its usage, with the exception of nicotine products that are typically used to stop other nicotine consumption; such as nicotine gum.
  • Discussion about [PG18] media for example, TV shows, song lyrics, plays/theatre shows, comics, video games, or novels. Graphic details are still not allowed and topics should include [TW] or [CW] when necessary. GoSupermodel is a [PG16] platform.

8.3. The “No-go” list

This list consists of things you are not allowed to do. These are to work as an example of things that need to be avoided.

Avoidable things include but are not limited to:

  • Glorify illegal/dangerous kinks/fetishes. These include non-consenting, (self) harming, gun/knife play, age play, malicious intent (wanting to SA someone), verbal/physical abuse, sadism, masochism, choking/asphyxiation, and public sex.
  • Glorify or encourage illegal or harmful dynamics, relationships, and sexual interactions. These include bestiality, paedophilia, necrophilia, incest, race play and illegal power dynamics.
  • Glorifying violence, high-level crimes, or serial killers. This includes but is not limited to discussions about glorifying murder, arson, auto theft, fraud, robbery, burglary, weapon assaults, aggravated assault, larceny, kidnapping or driving under the influence.  
  • Sexualizing others.
  • Shame others for their interests or stories they have shared (no kink-shaming).
  • Victim blame (especially for sexual assault situations or any act of violence).
  • Tell others their feelings and experiences are not valid.
  • Post triggering content without a TW or CW. Posts without one will always be edited to include one.
  • Look for people to engage in sexual acts with online or in real life. goSupermodel is not a dating platform.
  • Engage in sexual behaviour or practice kinks/fetishes in the forum. This includes sexual roleplay. Keep in mind that this is also not allowed anywhere else on the website.
  • Make topics that bait people into, or ask people to perform acts that can be sexually arousing.
  • Encourage unsafe sexual practices.


goTests and magazines need to follow all goSupermodel rules. You are not allowed to buy your own magazines with alt accounts.

Magazines and goTests about 18+ topics or with scary content such as true crime need to have a disclaimer or a trigger warning listed on the front or second page. If a magazine or a goTest is reported and there is no disclaimer or TW listed, there is a risk for the content to be deleted and you will lose all the earnings.

Note that drugs, illegal substances and sexual or pornographic content are still not allowed in magazines.

9.1. Rules on goTest and magazine content

A trigger warning is needed on the first page of a goTest and the front or second page (free pages for users) of the magazine when it contains sensitive topics. The content on the first page of a goTest and the front or second page of the magazine (including sticker magazines) should never feature:

  • Triggering content like alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, nudity, sexually implied content, etc.
  • Brand-related content to show off a specific brand or promote it that is not part of goSupermodel.

9.2. Spamming rules regarding magazines

Magazines that are considered spam will get deleted, which will result in all earnings being lost.

Magazines that are considered spam:

  • Empty magazines that do not have any content in them. A magazine is considered empty when it has no additional content besides the free pages. This includes the placeholder text a magazine starts with.
  • Publishing more than 3 magazines daily (including sticker magazines).
  • Magazines made purely to trade with other users or (your) alt accounts to gain fame.


  • Sticker magazines and competition magazines. Note that it must be clearly stated on the free pages that the magazine is empty.


When uploading an image to goSupermodel you need to make sure that you are following all of our rules. If you upload or buy an image that gets denied or deleted, you will lose your goMoney, diamond or free picture upload you have used. If you try to upload content that is extremely offensive you may be sanctioned for it even if it does not end up on the site. Please remember that all images you upload are visible to the moderators. Note that gifs have to abide by the same rules.

We do not allow the following:

  • Images that contain foreign language only. Screenshots from gSm 1.0 are allowed even if they contain foreign language.
  • Images  that contain high flickering or fast-paced blinking effects graphics. Maximum three flashes in one second.
  • Images that contain a “hypnosis” effect, as it can cause seizures, migraines or make someone physically ill.
  • Images that contain the middle finger pointed towards someone or the camera.
  • Images that contain a weapon pointed towards someone or the camera.
  • Images that contain gore or graphic visuals.
  • Images that contain animal cruelty or are sexualizing animals.
  • Images that contain sexualized or pornographic material.
  • Images that contain medication, drugs and illegal substances.
  • Images that promote alcoholic or nicotine products.
  • With the exception of very low percentage items such as “non alcoholic” drinks with less than 0.50% alcohol and nicotine products that are typically used to stop other nicotine consumption; such as nicotine gum.
  • Images that directly promote any harmful beliefs in a radical manner: Political, religious, diet etc.
  • Images that are clearly uploaded to mock, bully or provoke certain people.
  • Images that contain slurs, censored words or try to bypass censored words.

Sharing a link that leads to off-platform images or content that goes against the rules on goSupermodel is not allowed. Messages containing these links will be deleted and the user will get sanctioned accordingly.

If you have any questions about an image, you can send a message to the Moderator Inbox by clicking ’’Help’’ in the upper right corner, pressing support and clicking ’’Get help from the moderators’’. You can also hover over a Moderator's name and choose ’’Get help’’, or click here.


Items are a way to express yourself. Creativity is something beautiful. However, sometimes items are used in a disrespectful way. Items should not be used in ways like:

  • Using items to create a racist or disrespectful outfit (for example blackface, using a hijab on a naked model).
  • Using items to mock someone’s religion.
  • Using items to impersonate or mock a staff member, volunteer or other user.
  • Using items to promote drugs and substances.
  • Using items to showcase violence or abuse (for example: using blood items with animals or weapons).
  • Using items to mock people with disabilities.
  • Using items to mock people in general.


On goSupermodel, there are multiple ways to earn goMoney and fame. You can play games like Wardrobe Challenge, Sketzmo, Backstage Rush or the Dance Show. The game Wardrobe Challenge has a daily earning limit of 4000 goMoney. Other games currently do not have an earning limit.

12.1. Rules regarding the games on goSupermodel:

  • It is not allowed to use scripts or other programs to cheat and progress in any of the goSupermodel games.
  • It is not allowed to bypass the daily limit of Wardrobe Challenge by trading the earnings from an alt account to your main account. You can reach the limit on multiple accounts, but not use the goMoney for your main account in any way. You also cannot bypass this rule by purchasing items with the goMoney earned and sending them to your main account.
  • It is not allowed to have other people play the games for you on your account.

12.2. It is not allowed to bypass other rules through games like Sketzmo, this includes but is not limited to:

  • Writing or drawing threats or hateful messages to other users.
  • Writing or drawing sexual images or phrases to other users.
  • Writing in foreign language.

12.3. It is allowed to:

  • Have people help you out with games by giving hints or directions on how to solve a level.
  • Play Sketzmo with both your main and alt accounts. These earnings can be transferred to your main account without issue.
  • Send earnings from games on your alt to your main account, except from Wardrobe Challenge if you have reached the earning limit.


You must pick a proper model name. Names that are in a different language than English will still need to follow the rules below and above. If your name is against the rules, you will receive a goMessage asking you to reach out to gosupermodel@watagame.com to suggest a new name. If this is not done within the 14 days, your model will be deleted. You are not allowed to use the following things in your username:

  • Names containing slurs of a discriminatory nature
  • Names containing anything sexual, including words that can be interpreted sexually
  • Names suggesting that you are looking for a partner
  • Names that promote a religion or harmful political stance
  • Names resembling a link or website
  • Names containing profanity and curse words
  • Names containing insults
  • Names targeting/bad-mouthing, mocking or bullying others
  • Names impersonating others (for example celebrities, other users, staff, etc)
    Fictional character names are allowed,
     as long as you do not fully act like you are this character
  • Names containing drugs or tobacco
  • Names promoting alcohol or alcohol use (not including brand and drink names)
  • Names about sensitive topics such as diagnosis, self-harm, suicide…etc.
  • Names containing firearms and violent names


If you have received a time-out (TO) on one of your models, it counts to all of your models. Evading a time-out in this way may result in a longer time-out.

Having up to five alts (other models besides your main account) on goSupermodel is allowed, as long as it is not abused to get a significant unfair advantage over other users or to otherwise break our rules or Terms of Use. We count only one model as a “main account”. Any other models are considered alt accounts. This means you can have up to 6 models in total. One of your alts can be considered your main alt; meaning it would be considered the alt that can, for example, be used to trade greetings to your main model.

Abuse of these rules will be dealt with according to its severity and could potentially cause a sanction on your main model.

Examples of what you are not allowed to use alternative accounts (alts) for:

  • Using two or more alts to sell greetings to earn goMoney (for your main model).
  • Using alts to repeat milder violations despite warnings and time-outs (TOs).

Milder violations will give the user either a warning or a time-out (TO), and are as follows:

  • Using two or more alts to "farm" goCode or other campaign items.
  • Using two or more alts to send greetings to yourself or others.
  • Using alt(s) to circumvent the earning limits imposed by the games through either trades, auctions or gifts. For more information about game rules check rule 12. GOSUPERMODEL GAME RULES
  • Using an alt to circumvent a time-out (TO).
  • Using an alt to "bump" your own forum threads.
  • Creating additional alts after May 12th 2023, if you already have 5 or more.
  • Referring an alt in order to gain fashion points.
  • To bump the price of your auctions
  • Using alt(s) to buy your own magazines to “farm” fame.
  • Using alt(s) to vote for yourself in competitions or buying yourself votes for any model.

You are not allowed to have more than 5 alts. Having more than 5 may lead to some or all of them to be deleted, but no punishment will be given to your main account the first time.

Use of alts that are NOT in violation of our rules:

  • Posting on the forums with an alt, as long as it is not to circumvent a time-out (TO) or break the rules.
  • Sending greetings/SGs to your main model(s) from one alt. Other alts must not be used for sending greetings/SGs. This alt must remain the same model unless it gets deleted.
  • Playing Sketzmo (or other multiplayer games) with an alt, but never using a script, software or automation.
  • Sending gifts to your main using goMoney from your alt account as long as it was not earned in a way to exceed the earning limits (Wardrobe Challenge).  For more information about game rules check rule 12. GOSUPERMODEL GAME RULES



If you have your own website, or want to make a goSupermodel fan site, you are allowed to show pictures of your model (avatar) and pictures that are found in the Free menu provided that you link directly to www.goSupermodel.com and that you include this disclaimer on every page with our content: © 2024 Momio Aps. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.

The above only applies for your personal, non-commercial use of the content!


You are not allowed to advertise for your own or others’ commercial interests on goSupermodel.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Posting links to your own shop.
  • Offering your services in exchange for real-life or off-platform currency and goods.
  • Sharing links to fundraisers for yourself or others.
  • If you or your friend earns commercial interest from your social media, that is not gSm related, it is not permitted to share it.

Examples of what is not allowed:

  • Promoting your friends (who earns commercial interest from said social media) social media account.
  • Promoting your art services in exchange for real life currency.

Examples of what is allowed:

  • Sharing your favourite social media stars pages in a forum topic.
  • Selling art services (for example; drawing other users models) in exchange for in game items or in game currency.
  • Sharing fundraisers held by charity organisations

You are allowed to share your social media handles, but this is at your own risk. goSupermodel can not intervene with any actions that happen off-platform. Refer to rule 1.7.2 in TREAT OTHER PEOPLE WITH RESPECT for help if your social media content is shared without consent.


Any trade between users that involves real currency, goods or services outside of goSupermodel is prohibited and will result in an immediate ban.

Users that sell goSupermodel goods for real-life currency will immediately be banned. Users buying goSupermodel goods for real-life currency will be sanctioned.

Note: Commissions for drawings or profile layouts are not prohibited as long as the payment is made with in-game currency.

Rules are subject to change.

Last updated 23/09/2024