10 latest goTests taken by ereea

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by ereea tell about them.

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Title Result  
Who are your goFocusser twins? Congratulations! You have the most in common with the rodent enthusiasts Evren, Chizumi, Sandxd and suklaanamu! Just like these goFocussers, you share an appreciation for psychological depth and a curiosity to dig into the unknown! › Take goTest
Discover your Katy Perry Match goTest

The Katy Perry song that matches your personality is... Firework

Be bold and shine brightly with a special goCode [it's in the lyrics] you've unlocked with this result

› Take goTest
What kind of cat are you? The Norwegian Forest Cat! Such a friendly, calm and gentle giant. They take time to trust and form bonds with their owners, but once that bond has been formed, the Norwegian cat is a loyal and affectionate companion. Some describe them as "dog-like". › Take goTest
Let me guess how many sex partners you’ve had You’re a virgin › Take goTest
Will your model get deleted one day? You will never get deleted! You probably won't even get a warning <3 › Take goTest
What Hunger Games district do you belong to? District 3 – Technology – you’re handy and booksmart and will fix any problem coming your way. Some people think you’re a bit cooky but in the end you always know best. People turn to you for solutions where there otherwise are none. › Take goTest
Did you know who sing the Song? Congratulations you are verry Good › Take goTest
Are you team JD or Focus You are TEAM JD, go slay. Feel free to boast about being a part of the most superior team of this site (just kidding but we do slay) › Take goTest
what kind of egg are u cracked egg... someone dropped u :/ › Take goTest
goTests created by ereea
Title Description  
› which resident evil 4 character are you the brainrot this game has caused me is concerning, lets use that for smth this quiz is so unserious im sorry › Take goTest
› Would i hate you as a customer Just for fun hihi be honest <3 taken from my own work experiences › Take goTest
› what video game should you try? looking for a new game to test out? need some help?? › Take goTest
› do we agree this or that, how similar are we? › Take goTest
› i assign u one of my fav fictional men all in the title lets go › Take goTest
› which of my top 5 wrapped songs are you › Take goTest