10 latest goTests taken by dianthus

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by dianthus tell about her.

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Title Result  
Find your vacation destination GIRLL you would loveeee a trip to the dolomites in Italy, you like to have a chill vacation, you also love to HIKE and spend quality time with your family. But Waking up early? not made for you › Take goTest
What element do you bend? You bend earth! You are strong, you are dependable, and you are not quick to anger. You have a rational mind, which is often your superpower, and you are fiercely loyal to those you love. Try to always be a grounding force for others. › Take goTest
Which flower are you? ur a FORGET-ME-NOT! but i dit forget about u, because ur boring :) <3 › Take goTest
What kind of party gyal are you?! (specific) You'd love a good party! But you either busy in the weekends (so you can't go out everytime) or you had your party era and you don't have the urge anymore to go all out every weekend › Take goTest
WHAT'LL BE YOUR SPRING ERA? you will enter your ~independent era~ ! you want stability and familiarity in your life. this means spending quality time with your loved ones as well as taking time for yourself! › Take goTest
Which forest animal are YOU?<3 A Fish! You live in the water with all your fishy friends. Maybe a little pond, where other animals sometimes gather for a little drink? They don't bother you much, you would rather deal with fishy business<3 › Take goTest
Which mythological creature are you? Faun The faun takes the shape of a human and a goat. They are wild creatures, associated with music, eroticism and the forest. › Take goTest
whats your mental illinois idk but something certainly is wrong with you  seek help › Take goTest
Do I like you? I'm not so sure about you › Take goTest
I'll guess your age! I'm guessing you're 22-24! Send me a greeting if that was correct :) › Take goTest
goTests created by dianthus
Title Description  
› Are you a true Eurovision fan? Take this test to find out how much you know about the iconic singing competition › Take goTest