10 latest goTests taken by Alicy

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Alicy tell about her.

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Title Result  
Which flying pig are you? Pink pig! You've clearly not watched meangirls recently because you don't just wear pink on Wednesdays, you do it every day! And you rock that look! You're worth a lot (150gm) and you like to share a bit. You are kind and lovable. › Take goTest
Let me guess how many sex partners you’ve had You’ve had between 1-3 sex partners › Take goTest
brainrot quiz you're 100% brainrot touch grass › Take goTest
rating how much i'd hate you 25% you might teach me some cool things › Take goTest
are you dumb or smart? you are so dumb lol › Take goTest
Can I Guess Your ZODIAC? Air Sign! You are Gemini, Libra or Aquarius! › Take goTest
Do we match?? Heeey you! Yes, we are definitely a match!<3 Would love to get to know you! › Take goTest
What stupid animal living in Finland are you you are a SEVEN-SPOT LADYBIRD, so spotty, so adorable. tho, if someone gets too close, you get very toxic. you do you lol › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

Greetings, chosen one! Join our vampire den and sink your teeth into the adventure that awaits. The mysteries of the night are many... but we guarantee you will have a bloody good time. 

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Are you ok jiisoo, i know 'youre lying to me. › Take goTest
goTests created by Alicy
Title Description  
› Which opera heroine are you? Opera's history is filled with incredible heroines - but which one are you the closest? › Take goTest