10 latest goTests taken by MyNameIsSilje

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by MyNameIsSilje tell about her.

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Title Result  
Maturity Quiz Congratulations, you're mature!  › Take goTest
What color are you? Let me guess... You are the color GREEN! <3 Love that color, you should send me a friend request $ › Take goTest
Does your crush like you? If they're not already in a relationship, try seeing if they want to hang out so you feel out the vibes. Ask them to grab lunch or go to the movies, just the two of you. If they really like you, they'll be able to tell that it's more like a date › Take goTest
What Hogwartz House are you in? You are in Slytherin! You are cunning, ambitious, resourceful and a leader. You want to succeed, and you'll stop at nothing to get what you want. You defend your own and are loayal to your own kind, as long as they dont betray you. › Take goTest
How many gm do you have? You are poor honey:( You are lucky if you have 300gm rn › Take goTest
How norwegian are u? You are a true norwegian, born and raised! Super shy on public transportation, but loves to talk to strangers on skiing hikes. You usually eat Grandiosa once a week and love always have brown cheese on your waffle. › Take goTest
Are you in love? <3 YES YOU ARE IN LOVE <3 SLAY › Take goTest
How lucky are you? YAY, u made it. DM me for a suprise! › Take goTest
goTests created by MyNameIsSilje
Title Description  
› What do you know about musicals? Test your broadway/west-end knowledge here › Take goTest