10 latest goTests taken by Davines

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Davines tell about him.

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Title Result  
How well do u know Alinka? Hmm.. Maybe we should get to know each other better? › Take goTest
goodnight divas goodnight divas › Take goTest
goodnight everyone <3 yeah you should go to bed too, like immediately. how and why are you still awake? get some rest my good guy/gal/pal, goodnight <3 › Take goTest
can i check your wishlist yes › Take goTest
How addicted to gsm are u? You're a GSM terrific addict, i can guess your wardrobe is filled with beautiful items and everyone knows you!! You're almost the face of GSM. We love you <3 › Take goTest
which teletubby are you? You are Tinky Winky! You’re mature and calm, and people enjoy your presence. › Take goTest
Are you born to be a moderator? Maybe just go chill?? I know I will now<3 › Take goTest
What Type Of Witch Are You? You are a true NATURE WITCH. You are connected to Mother Earth, a friend to all animals and a powerful plant magician. Best of luck with your witches training. › Take goTest
goTests created by Davines
Title Description  
› night i cant make my daily fmb post saying good ngiht so im doing this › Take goTest
› Are you tyskie? i'm just string to find the real tyskie. › Take goTest
› Are you ok This is a gotest to find out if you're oke (This goTest is only for fun, not intended as medical advice) › Take goTest
› what shoulder are you? ? the title says it all › Take goTest
› How well do you know Davines? Do you know who he really is? Where is he from? Does he even work?? › Take goTest
› Are you an icon? Have you ever been called iconic? do you ever feel iconic? This goTest lets you know if your suspicions are true or not. › Take goTest