10 latest goTests taken by Alice

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Alice tell about her.

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Title Result  
are you the father? you are NOT the father!!!! › Take goTest
Are you born to be a moderator? Maybe just go chill?? I know I will now<3 › Take goTest
Are you straight? you are not straight, today we live in a society that accepts you 100% you are wonderful › Take goTest
Which mythical creature are you? You are a fairy! An adventurous troublemaker, and a very good friend. You keep your promises and are always loyal. › Take goTest
do you like gsm? u like gsm!! congrats › Take goTest
Do you deserve a spot on my friendliest? Yes we should probablyy be friends › Take goTest
How well do you know Finland? Are you a born fin or just a mastermind? You got all right! › Take goTest
What kind of animal are you? You are an owl, ooo › Take goTest
Which crystal are you? You are a ROSE QUARTZ! The crystal of love. It is said to help with both loving yourself and attracting loving energy <3 › Take goTest
goTests created by Alice
Title Description  
› Are you a witch? Test if you might be a witch in this lifetime › Take goTest