10 latest goTests taken by Blackbear

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Blackbear tell about her.

You can also take the goTests yourself and see if you get the same results!
Title Result  
What Type Of Witch Are You? You are a true NATURE WITCH. You are connected to Mother Earth, a friend to all animals and a powerful plant magician. Best of luck with your witches training. › Take goTest
World Bee Day! ♥ WOW! You did amazing! You already know alot about bees! Here is a special surprise for you today, enjoy your day and SaveTheBees ♥ › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

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Biology Test You passed!!! You got most answers correct <3 › Take goTest
What kind of dog are you? Comfortable dog You like comfort, tasty food and fun. You enjoy your walks, but you'd love to spend time at home. Balance is the most important! › Take goTest
did you earn a biscuit from gosupergrandma ? let ' s celebrate with a biscuit ! xx › Take goTest
Discover your Katy Perry Match goTest

The Katy Perry song that matches your personality is... Firework

Be bold and shine brightly with a special goCode [it's in the lyrics] you've unlocked with this result

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Which sea creature are you?

You have the personality of a wise and patient turtle!

On this day, that is very special outcome to have... as it is International Turtle Day today!  Please use the goCode getmeaturtle to adopt your little self. 

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goTests created by Blackbear
Title Description  
› Did you pay attention in 2022? Part 2 Did you pay attention in 2022 or did you really just mind your own business? Part 2! › Take goTest
› Did you pay attention in 2022? part. 1 Find out if you really paid attention to what happened in 2022 or did you mind your own business Part 1 (feel free to take the other parts aswell) › Take goTest
› Wednesday trivia The Thing is, you have to know a Thing or two to get 100% › Take goTest