10 latest goTests taken by KillerWhale

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by KillerWhale tell about her.

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Title Result  
How would you die in Sims 4? Cause of death: Too much steam in Sauna. That'll teach you to get your lazy bottom up - it can be deathly! At least you'll be very relaxed in the moment of death.. a bit too relaxed for my liking personally. Also, your skin will look like a raisin. › Take goTest
Gen Z, Millenial or Boomer? You'redefinintely a Millenial! You saw technology evolve to what it is now, but still struggle to make a phonecall (i feel ya)! Tho you're cruising your way through adulthood now, you can't help but get inspired by Gen Z trends once in while! › Take goTest
does ur CRUSH like you It sounds like your crush is quite confused. Or just shy? Maybe they are not sure about their feelings yet, and r waiting for you to make the first step. Dare to confront them and something nice might happen. & if not: at least you'll have clarity! › Take goTest
What kind of donut are you? Strawberry sprinkle If this test weren't about donuts, you would be a tiny glittery cupcake, you cutie!! › Take goTest
What kind of cat are you? You're a Maine Coon! You're beautiful, but you can be a bit picky. It's hard being the best, right? You've worked hard to get where you are, so now you want to enjoy everything life has to offer. But only the right kind of things in the right jelly. › Take goTest
Is my cat spoiled? Your cat know their place and that you're their owner even though they're your baby :) Your cat lives in the open and enjoys it! The times you pamper your cat it will feel extra special :D › Take goTest
Which Powerpuff Girl are you? You're Buttercup! You're the spice and sass of your friend group. Patience might not be your strong suit and you can come off a little brash or abrasive if you're not careful, but it's only because you know what you want. But you do have a soft side! › Take goTest
HOW FINNISH ARE YOU!!!!!!! You are a true finn!!!!!! awesome congrats › Take goTest
goTests created by KillerWhale
Title Description  
› Can you guess random mythology trivia? Part 2 Exactly what it says on the tin! Now with even more random trivia and options, let's see how this goes... › Take goTest
› Can you guess random mythology trivia? Exactly what it says on the tin! Do you know what's true and what isn't? › Take goTest