goSuperStrategy Update
3. July 2024 11:30
goSuperStrategy Update Q3

Hi goSupermodels!


We bring you another goSuperStrategy news post to share the goSupermodel journey. Last time we introduced you to our vision, mission and the six targets. If you want to reread the previous goSuperStrategy news post, you can find it here



Quarter 2, April to June

A lot happened behind the scenes, we changed a number of internal workings, worked on tools and said goodbye to the Social Media Ambassadors, the Focus Group and Showtime. 


We changed the look suggestion fee from 100 to 20 goMoney and we added customisation options to goSupermodel (Profile > Settings > Topbar / Avatar Background). A huge shoutout to punkt, duh, Falco, Chizumi and Air who are all responsible for one or more of the customisation settings we have available! 


A little bit later than originally scheduled, but still right on time for summer, coming this week are the new sign-up models and the new forum categories. The new sign-up models include all skin tones and different fashion styles. Additionally, we will lower the price of faces from 998gM to 299gM starting when the new sign-up models go live. 


Almost all forum categories got a make-over, this can be an updated title or description, some categories even got merged into one. We have a few new forum categories coming up that you have never seen before… Travel & Lifestyle, or World Events, anyone? The new forum categories are live now, so have a look!


Big thank you to the Inclusivity Group for their help with the sign-up models, and another thank you to the Inclusivity Group, User Response Hub (FG) and Moderators for their help and feedback regarding the forum categories.



Quarter 3, July to September

As you know we started July strong with the Summer Party Tour! Hopefully you already opened some refreshments, maybe you even managed to snag a pearl item or two. But that’s not all we’re working on: we will continue to make work behind the scenes easier for both volunteers and staff, to improve and automate more of our daily tasks and free up time for projects coming after. 


A few of the projects we’ll focus on during quarter three are even more customisation options, a charity event and more forum post options (viewable links is just the beginning). Additionally, the first goStars should be popping up during this quarter. We will also continue work on Photoshoot and Decor throughout this quarter, and we’re starting with a project to follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). 


We want to take you with us on the goSuperStrategy journey, so you can expect topics from Admin to chat and most importantly to discuss feedback and your ideas for some of the projects we’re implementing this quarter when we start work on those projects. 


While working on the strategy we came across a very helpful, very wanted little fella, maybe if you use StrategyMascot somewhere he will visit you too!


The next update will be around the first of October, see you then! 



  • Last strategy news post we focused on introducing the vision, mission and six targets, this strategy news post focuses on what happened in Q2 and what will happen in Q3.

  • In Q2 the look suggestion fee went from 100 to 20 gM and we added customisation options. 

  • This week the new sign-up models go live, faces go from 998gM to 299gM and new forum categories have been introduced.

  • In Q3 we focus on making behind the scenes work even easier, more customisation options, a charity event, forum post options and the first goStars

  • We continue work on Decor and Photoshoot, and have started a project to follow WCAG guidelines.

  • There will be more chats and feedback sessions with Admin.