gSm Insider W19
13. May 2024 13:00
gSm Insider W19

Hi goSupermodels!


The Northern Lights were visible in many places around the world the past couple of days, have you been lucky enough to spot them?

Last Week's Happenings
  • We had a JD weekend by the amazing Saoirse.

  • There was a shop drop by Designers Tjili, Hastings, LinaSophie, StarShine, and ano. These items are still available until the end of the day on the 16th! Get them while you can!

  • Mikah became a goDesigner, congratulations!

  • We launched Backstage Rush Multiplayer!

  • We had a goSpecials auction of a special pink outfit by gD MissAuris. For goSpecials items, you can always check goSpecials profile to see how many of each item is in the game and how exclusive they are.

  • The goCurate competition came to an end. The winners will be announced in the upcoming week.


In light of us not celebrating Eurovision on gSm officially and rather taking a stance against watching with double earnings and the release of Backstage Rush Multiplayer, we want to acknowledge the huge amount of events that have been organised by both volunteers and users during the last week. A lot of effort has been put into the fun activities and it was amazing to see everyone coming together, talk about it, and most importantly, have fun. A massive thank you to everyone involved!

What's on this week?
  • A Met Gala collection will come this week.


Development (BSR and Décor)

We launched backstage rush on Tuesday evening with double earnings for that night, Thursday, and Saturday. The launch, as is classic, had a few bumps here and there, but they are all being worked on. A huge, huge thank you to the Focus Group for testing before release, for gathering the bugs, and for being so involved in the whole process.


We are aware of a few issues still, such as the start button not appearing, issues with chat, chat showing in single player, model counter not working correctly, and the lag, and we are actively working on them.


Now that Multiplayer is out, we are kicking off the development of décor!


Have a wonderful week, lovely goSupermodels!