gSm Insider W16
22. April 2024 14:30
gSm Insider W16

Hi goSupermodels!


We hope everyone is having a wonderful April, is this year going fast for anyone else or is it just us? Whether it is raining, snowing or the sun is shining, we hope this day is a great one for you! 

Last Week's Happenings
  • The Designers celebrated their one year anniversary over the weekend with lots of goCodes and shop drops! The shop drops are still available until the end of the day on the 28th.

  • We had a cottagecore collection inspired by the winning moodboards from the goCurate challenge!

  • We had a goChella shop updated created by gDs StarShine and lisu.

What’s on this week?

Development Updates

  • Special spring pigs by FG Candy and Yucan are going live today and are staying for four weeks.

  • We updated the model dialog to make it look nicer and be able to show two lines of motto.

  • We are now integrating/doing internal tests on BSR multiplayer.

  • We are working on options for changing the topbar and avatar background, with free and paid options (goMoney and dias), including a standard free dark mode option.


Competitions and fun!

  • The newest edition of goCurate starts May 1. You can help decide on the theme for the second edition of this competition in this topic.

  • It’s Earth Day today! You can help protect and preserve the Earth. Read this newspost for more information and join the Earth Day Challenge here.

  • This week will be about books, as the Focus Group is preparing book-themed activities that will launch starting on Tuesday.

  • Also coming up, a spring-themed snowdrop competition coming your way this week with an amazing locked outfit by JD Mikah.


From SMAs

Hi, are you excited for round two with the competition ''Challenge Accepted''' ?

The theme for this month is Flower power! So run to your wardrobe and locate all the flower items you got, and make a better look than the the hosts. Keep an eye out on the hosts' Instagram accounts as more information will be posted there today (@gsm.Bambi & @gosupermodel_OG). DoYouAcceptTheChallenge?


Challenge accepted is a fun fashion competition that will be held monthly on Instagram. 

The competition is hosed by Bambi, Gigigiomy and !StephanySteffie!. Your look/post must be posted before 25th April at 23:59 CET, winners will be selected and announced on (Instagram) 28th April.



With love,