Happy 1 year JD/gD anniversary
20. April 2024 14:35

The day is here!! Happy 1 year anniversary to our amazing designers. You are the best!!!  It has been a year filled with so many showstopping looks and your creativity never ceases to amaze us. Please join us in celebrating here.


For the anniversary, our JD team has prepared a special collection named Dream Outfits. It is a continuation of one of the first collections the JD team did last year when they started. Our JDs shared the inspiration behind the looks which is always so much fun to read. 


We would like to use this opportunity to also give our thanks to our former JDs, who are no longer part of the team but have left an important mark on gSm fashion. Thank you for all the amazing items and for being part of the JD team. 


Also, a huge thank you to our Guest Designers for their capsule collections that brought so much joy to all of us. 


We are looking forward to all the stunning looks our amazing team will be serving us in the months to come. It is always such a treat. 


Please log in tomorrow for a surprise the goDesigners has prepared for you. And don't forget to keep in the loop with the celebration on the platform today since there will be some fun surprises.


Lots of love,


A word from JDs

JD ano


For our JD anniversary I wanted to bring in some elements from last year’s dream outfit, but in a completely different way. So I got the big silly hat, gold details, lots of folds on the over-skirt (or in this case dress) and instead of a shawl hanging from the arms I went with long sleeves this time! When last year’s design was some kind of Edwardian-meets-haute-couture-walking-in-a-gallery type of vibe I wanted to go more historical this time around. 

The cliff with petroglyphs and the runestone is actually what I did first, as it’s directly inspired by some trips I’ve been to. I first had in mind to draw inspiration from some renaissance portraits from different museums I’ve visited, but I just ended up keeping the blue color on the dress and red-ish color on the underskirt and go for a more medieval style instead as I haven’t done much of that previously. I’m quite fond of bringing in some historical elements into my designs, but have mostly been focusing on Victorian and Elizabethan times earlier so it’s been fun going earlier than that!


JD Maze



For my 1-year dream outfit, I chose to design what has meant the most to me over the past year. I was inspired by a very close friend, where white butterflies and green are very important to her. Of course had to include a hair that is somewhat in the same style as last year's - only improved!


JD Mayu


My dream outfit is a tribute to the one I did over a year ago, keeping the elements I wanted to include back then but changing enough to represent me as a designer now. Flowers, colors and a touch of spring combined with what I simply must include for it to truly be called a design of mine: animals! 


JD Nightwing



For the new dream outfit I wanted to take an idea I had for my original dream design and bring it to life with the experience I've gained since the competition. I've always been a fan of historical fashion and the silhouettes of different time periods. Corsets, stays, big sleeves and vintage lingerie particularly intrigue me, so I wanted to combine these things into my new design.


JD Kino



I wanted to go for a bit of a different vibe this time compared to last year, but still keeping some similar elements. I especially wanted to use this opportunity to have fun with the design in a way I wasn't able to last year. When it comes to making outfits, I love combining and contrasting different textures and colors. I also just really enjoy making different textures and patterns, so I just had to. Being able to layer items and making different combinations is also important to me, so I wanted to make sure I made items that would be good for that purpose. Of course I had to add accessories; it wouldn't be a kino dream outfit without that. My aim is always to make items for everyone, so I truly hope that you'll all find something you like in my outfit - that's the real dream. 


JD Omashu


Yes, this design is like sooooo different from my previous dream design a year ago! Back then my dream was for gSm to be a much more inclusive place design wise, and I think we've come a long way but we're doing a great job as JD's. So this year it took a turn and I created something close to my heart. My biggest passion is fashion, and I can scroll hours on TikTok, Instagram or Pinterest finding the latest trends and composing outfits. In this piece I wanted to bring some iconic items to the game, like the leopard pants and a trench coat. I hope u keep enjoying the pieces I make, and cheers to another year!


gD SvettigKaktus



This outfit was the last thing I did as a JD, outside of any project and I never got the chance to use it til now. I was working on this outfit for a while and it’s mostly items that I would like to have in the game which are inspired by clothes I wish I’d wear irl and things from my own wardrobe. This outfit is one that has been in my mind for a long long time simply because I love the look of it, a tight body with a zipper paired with a long translucent skirt, platform Chelsea-boots and my own leather jacket. I also wanted some classic “emo” makeup so I chose to do the classic raccoon eyes with white corners, new lashes and tiny angry eyebrows (and running mascara for the aesthetic)


JD Mikah


for my 1 year design i wanted to contribute to my first dream design - something cute and fun! it is not exactly the same but it still has elements where you would think "ah this is mikah!" which is what i hope to achieve. i hope u all like it 

Shop update

This amazing shop drop will be available until the end of the day on the 28th of April. Have fun shopping. Cant't wait to see how you will style it.