gSm Insider W13
1. April 2024 14:00
gSm Insider W13

Hi goSuperfishes!


Why did the octopus cross the reef?

To get to the other tide!


Have you looked at your own faces yet? How have you dressed up your fish? Perhaps you can reel in something extra to help with that in this insider! So keep on reading.

Last Week’s Happenings
  • We voted and chose the new VIP outfit by the amazing aware

  • Two more people were added to the JD semi-finalists. You can keep track of the competition here

  • We had a colour splash shop drop by Mayu, ano, Maze, SvettigKaktus and Kino

  • There was a Ramadan shop drop by _melisa

  • There was a surprise Easter shop drop yesterday, staying in the shop until the end of the day on Wednesday.

What’s on this week?


April Fools

Happy April fools! 

Although the origin of his holiday is not known and there are many – very different – theories surrounding it, the way we all know it now is a day for pranking and jokes. Most big companies would change their logo for a day, or release a fake product. These are often harmless and innocent. A small reminder to keep the pranking and joking on goSupermodel in that same sentiment, and to not joke about sensitive things.


We have transformed goSupermodel into goSuperfish with a banner (for today only) by the fishtastic Chizumi


We hope to come back with more things to look forward to once the Easter holidays are over!

Stay fintastic and have a crabulous day, goSuperfishes!