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hi im so glad you're here!



last time, i got a nasty admin smacking when posting about the nature of our bodies. here it is:



This is a warning!

You have submitted *** content to goSupermodel. It is against the rules and will not be tolerated. Please stop that.


You started a thread talking about the last time someone smashed and then included the following content in the post: "when was the last time you've had a good punch
mine was a week ago, i enjoyed it

am i allowed to talk ab this? or will speaking duch only get me a nasty admin smacking

i have a question for you: have you ever had that rlly awk moment that both your heads smash into one another? bruhhhhh how do you ever recover from that"

If you continue breaking the rules your model may be put on time-out or get deleted.

goSupermodel moderators


but i won't. be censored!!! 


so i welcome you, 

in this club for virgins and non-virgins

where we share some of our craziest (in)experiences

BUT it won't just be about smashing, we can have more controversial discussions about for example communism 



enjoy this little free space you have here and regard this profile page as virginity club's manifesto.










favorite posts on my previous topic 'last time you smashed':


1. the girl who swallowed a guy's chewing gum

2. the folded pe///nis

3. idk yet