Hey sweeties!
Thank you for visiting our page! Are you a member of the club yet? You can ask a membership at the club description page.
The Positivity Project is based on something that I've done years ago on gosupermodel 1.0 and on virtual popstar actually.
There were lots of people that were having a hard time in their lives. I knew they needed people around them to help them, to listen to them and to encourage them. The problem is, not everyone has that. Not everyone has people around them who are trustworthy, who are nice and patient enough to listen to them and who give love to them.
So I started a project. I decided to help people a little bit, as well as I could. I listened to people when they needed someone to talk to and I send people messages with encouraging words. There was a time, I think on gsm 1.0 when I messaged around 80 people each day. I had several people helping me, because it was so much work to do it by myself each day. Not everyone was trustworthy, but that's the risk when you work toegether with people who are yound and who you don't know.
Long story short: I've decided to send encouraging messages to people again. I don't know how often I'll do it, it depends on the time that I have. I'm thinking about doing this once a week or once in two weeks.
If you want this, you need to apply for it. You don't have to be a member of this club, but ofcourse you're welcome to. When you're on the list of encouraging messages, no one will know this. It's completely anonymous. Only I know the list and I will not give other people the list. Maybe I will work together with people again, but in a different way. They will not know the names on the list and the list will not be saved on gosupermodel somewhere.
I will be a person you can talk to any time of the day, I will not always respond fast but I'll be there for you.
If you want an encouraging message each week or once in two weeks, send me a message and you'll be on the list.
You might have noticed the fact that the world is getting darker each day. Sometimes we can see that here on gosupermodel as well. People getting bullied because they're a little bit different, but is that so bad? I don't think so! Aren't we all different? Differen't in size, in character, with interests and talents and gifts that we got?
But there is a way for you to spread the light! First, it's important to be respectful to each other. As long as we're not nice to each other, nothing will change. Respecting each other doesn't mean we have to agree to everything someone else does or says, it means we keep being nice or we ignore someone when they're trying to get to us. It means we let people be themselves.
You don't have to agree to bad behavior, but let the mods or team handle that. We don't have to scold each other, we don't have to offend each other. It will get us nowhere.
You can also spread the light by complimenting someone, by giving gifts, by giving greetings, by selling something cheap if people don't have a lot of money, by sending them a nice message and there are so many more ways!
I believe in every single one of you!