What is dodgeball?
Dodgeball is the best game ever to exist on goSupermodel! It's a luck/guessing-based game. Just like the game back in highschool it has similar rules:
When you hit someone, they get eliminated
When they catch the ball, the thrower gets eliminated and can throw the ball again
To make the dodgeball game possible on goSupermodel, some rules have to be altered so it makes sense and is doable. First, how does it work?
Before we start, you must DM the host with the action + number you want to give it, e.g:
HIT = NR 3
So whenever you caught the ball, you can throw it at the opposing team. To give a nice example on how that interaction would look like:
HOST: John
TEAM 1: Mikah
TEAM 2: Burst
JOHN: Send me a DM with your numbers! (HIT = ? | CATCH = ? | MISS = ?)
Mikah sends a DM to John with ''HIT = 1 | CATCH = 3 | MISS = 2)
Burst sends a DM to John with ''HIT = 2 | CATCH = 3 | MISS = 1)
The host decides before the throw what number the catch will be. Example: Catch = 2
JOHN: I'm throwing the ball! Quote this message with a number of 1-3 to catch it!
The fastest person to quote with the correct number can get the ball first AKA throw first.
Burst: 2!
Mikah: 1!
Burst got the correct number so she gets to throw first. She quotes Mikah and says ''THROWING!! '' Meaning that Mikah has to quote back with a number of 1-3 to decider her fate. Mikah replies with ''2''
Bursts gave the number 2 a hit. Meaning, the person who gets quoted by Burst and replies with '2' will get hit. So Mikah is eliminated.
If Mikah replied with 3, the ball would miss and the host has to rethrow the ball. If Mikah replied with 3, she would catch the ball. This means that the thrower Burst will get eliminated and Mikah can continue throwing the ball.