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Welcome to goSupermodels official Pride club!

We're here to celebrate equality, diversity, human rights, and love. No matter your sexual orientation or gender identity, we welcome you to join us in celebrating LGBTQIA+ culture and history, and our right to be ourselves without discrimination.




As common as it may sound the regular gSm rules do apply for this club also, you can find the rules HERE.


This club is supposed to be a safe space for each and everyone of you within the community and club, that being said please keep an respectful and nicely tone within the club threads. 


This should also be a safe space for people to be able to express themselves and talk about their issues, their sexuality etc. 


MOST OF ALL NO WHAT-SO-EVER LGBTQIA+ Phobia is welcome neither ok and it will result in an instant delete from the club. 


REMEMBER everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing of.