We currently have a small staff who have different jobs within the club. If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to reach out to any of the people mentioned below!
Anarki is the Owner and founder of the club and handles pretty much anything and everything.
BunBonBun is Co-Owner / Top Manager and also helps with everything.
Senna is our only Manager at the moment and helps with keeping forums clean and helping the members with anything they might need help with!
-Follow goSupermodel general rules.
-No tracing or any form of theft will be accepted in this club.
-If posting artwork by someone else remember to give proper credit.
-If you're having problems with another member or anyone in the forums contact a staff member via direct messages, we try to solve conflict in private.
-No drama, we are a friendly and open community.
-Do not critique others work unless they specifically asked for it.
-This should go without say but keep any artwork and topics SFW, there are minors on the website.
-If anyone is found scamming people, that being artists or buyers they will be permanently banned without warning.
-Respect the staff, we are here to help.
-Have fun and make friends!