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10 latest goTests taken by jordbaermarie

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by jordbaermarie tell about them.

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Title Result  
What kind of apple are you? You are the lovely Pink Lady apple! You're creative and low- maintenance, just here for a good time really. › Take goTest
are you the father? you are NOT the father!!!! › Take goTest
What color are you? You're YELLOW. You're not as smart as you look › Take goTest
Are you toxic? You are on a good side. It's okay to be a lil bit selfish sometimes cause you need to put yourself first! You also don't wish anyone bad either ,thats why the people around you really appreciated you. Try to reflect your decisions a lil more tho. › Take goTest
What famous it-girl are you? You are golden, vibrant, intense, Barbie-esque, like Blake Lively and Britney Spears! Girls wanna be you, guys wanna be with you, oh my! Be careful not to let that get to your head. › Take goTest
Can I guess your age? You are somewhere between 14-17 › Take goTest
How addicted are you with gsm? You have for sure a gsm addiction! You spend hours and hours a day on gsm. You don't want to put gsm down. You like it the much, nothing wrong with this. But maybe spend some time in to something else. But hey join the club, i have the same issue!XD › Take goTest
Test your gender! Ure very non binary! Yass queer! › Take goTest
//What type of person do you find really attracted to This is a keeper I don't think this person is up for having kids quite yet, cuz they wanna live their life first before thinking of getting a baby or two. Thanks for taking the test <3 › Take goTest
goTests created by jordbaermarie