10 latest goTests taken by Interstellar

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Interstellar tell about her.

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Title Result  
are you like karmahysteria? we are basically besties already? please send that friend request, lets get to know each other! › Take goTest
PERSONALITY TEST BUT the questions are VERY specific Here are your stats: You should get a calendar, babe. You have multiple thoughts in your head at a time. You're enthusiastic and honestly pretty funny. You enjoy the little things in life and romanticize everything. You are either artsy or crafty. › Take goTest
Can we be friends? Hey twin, send me a message omg! › Take goTest
What is your IQ? Congratulations! You have an IQ of 145 - basically a genius! Enjoy this newfound fame, you nerd. › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

› Take goTest
Which gSm-Function Fits You Best? You are a moderator! › Take goTest
How dutch are you? You know your internetgekkies, aka your the dutchest of the dutch pls send me a friendrequest › Take goTest
What Shrek character are you? You are Donkey. You talk without thinking and sometimes that annoys people. You are very social. You need to feel liked and will do anything to make sure you are seen. Sometimes you have a moment of insecurity, but you disguise it with jokes. › Take goTest
Should we be friends? Ew, stay far away from me! We should try to avoid eachother... get outta my way › Take goTest
Quiz - how smart are you? 10/10 › Take goTest
goTests created by Interstellar