10 latest goTests taken by Hanne

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Hanne tell about her.

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Title Result  
are you my lost sister? we are not alike :((( but maybe we can work things out? who knows › Take goTest
What Hogwartz House are you in? You are in Hufflepuff! You care a lot about others wellbeing and value friendship/family. You are hard-working and patient, and you are loyal to others. Fairness and equality is important to you. Others find you trustworthy and comfortable. › Take goTest
Would we vibe together? We vibin~ Seems like you and I are very similar! Hope you like cats, I got 8 of em'! Send a friend request if ya want to (=^・ω・^=) › Take goTest
Directioner or Directionator? You're not a true Directioner yet, but you can be. Maybe watch some X- factor performances, the video diaries and their documentary and you'll know more than this. › Take goTest
How good is your english? Your english is very good, congatulations! › Take goTest
Are you a gSm expert? Congratulations! You are an expert and know all the little details about goSupermodel. › Take goTest
which one direction boy will u marry? ZAYN!!! slay, yaas, u answered right, u won, have an amazing life › Take goTest
What do you know about Dumbledore? You don't know everything there is to know about my beloved old man, but you can always read up on him! › Take goTest
goTests created by Hanne