10 latest goTests taken by Jaloviina

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Jaloviina tell about her.

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Title Result  
What pasta are u FUSILLI! › Take goTest
Are you ok Jiisoo... go get some milk › Take goTest
Discover your Katy Perry Match goTest

The Katy Perry song that matches your personality is... Firework

Be bold and shine brightly with a special goCode [it's in the lyrics] you've unlocked with this result

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Are you a Rori or a Camzilla?

Lovely! You are just as sweet, caring and fun-loving as Camzilla. You get energy from interacting with others in the Forums and have a natural curiosity for other people. 

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Are you weird? You are weird but is a good weird. I like it. › Take goTest
Are you like LOKKITANE? You are just like LOKKITANE! I don't know if I should congratulate... Are you ok bestie? Send me a friend request, if you want to  › Take goTest
HOW FINNISH ARE YOU!!!!!!! You are a true finn!!!!!! awesome congrats › Take goTest
Avatar: The Last Airbender Water Tribe! - you would be a part of the water tribe, you know how to haunt and you'd love to know more about other cultures! › Take goTest
goTests created by Jaloviina