10 latest goTests taken by Maiken

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Maiken tell about her.

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Title Result  
Which Disney Princess Are You? You are Belle. You are strong, deep, and you are not a slave to petty superficial things. You are independent and allow yourself to see inner beauty without sacrificing your values. You are almost too good of a person. › Take goTest
How Slay Are You? Q O Timeless Elegance and Grace You effortlessly slay with a timeless and elegant style. Your fashion sense is classic, and you approach life's challenges with poise and grace. › Take goTest
What Shrek character are you? You are Donkey. You talk without thinking and sometimes that annoys people. You are very social. You need to feel liked and will do anything to make sure you are seen. Sometimes you have a moment of insecurity, but you disguise it with jokes. › Take goTest
I'll guess your age! You must be older than 25! Send me a greeting if that was correct :) › Take goTest
Should you take a break from gSm? I think you could benefit from taking a break from gSm › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

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What is ur gsm love language? Thrall (slave basically) You bump everyone's topic. If your friend is looking to buy an item you will help them find it. You always get an extra gocode in case they don ´t. You bid on their auctions to help them raise the price. You would do anything! › Take goTest
whats your zodiac sign? You give me earth sign vibess!! Capricorn, taurus or virgo! They're known to be stable, pragmatic, and unwavering. If you want someone to edit your résumé or help you move, you're calling an earth sign! You're a reliable friend! › Take goTest
Are you a man*?? Behold! youre a man! › Take goTest
goTests created by Maiken
Title Description  
› What gsm-clothing item are u? PersonaliTEA test I wíll judge your result › Take goTest
› What gsm-item are u? Defo a personalitytest - with no explanations or redos, so judge your friends haha › Take goTest