10 latest goTests taken by Feki

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Feki tell about her.

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Title Result  
Temptation Island test Hmm, i can't predict for you. Maybe it's 50/50. I suggest not to go and try › Take goTest
What kind of a Christmas person are you? You are the Santa's helper! The Christmas lover! It's your favorite time of the year and get upset when it's over. › Take goTest
All about my dog Diesel You probably guessed your way to halfway there! › Take goTest
Which clothing style suits you? Chic clothing style You have a chic clothing style and that means you usually look for timeless items with good quality. You like to look well-groomed and prefer to buy items with a luxurious look. You can also enjoy wearing designer items. › Take goTest
what is your mental age Your mental age is below 10! › Take goTest
are you gay? nope... unfortunately you're the straightest person ever seen!! get out of here! › Take goTest
goTests created by Feki
Title Description  
› What tv-show are you? Now you can find out what tv show you are, based on you personality. › Take goTest
› What song are you? Here, test it! › Take goTest