10 latest goTests taken by Sammakko

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Sammakko tell about her.

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Title Result  
Which Insect Are You? You are a Fly! You carry around a foul scent wherever you're headed, you were probably rumoured to have cooties in school. Maybe you spread ringworm. You are down to earth, eccentric and very delightful to a select crowd of people. › Take goTest
whats your mental illinois idk but something certainly is wrong with you  seek help › Take goTest
FINLAND TRIVIA WOW! You're quite the expert aren't you? Enjoy celebrating *Finland106* › Take goTest
which hittiputki songs are you? ei oo ei tuu / shampanjaa (there isnt there wont be / champagne) you know what you want and are not afraid to say it. › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

› Take goTest
are you dumb or smart? go back to school, dummie › Take goTest
Hot or Cute? slay you are hot like fire! › Take goTest
Are you a Gsm Expert? (Very hard!) I told you this was very hard ;) You failed a little bit.... › Take goTest
Which frog are you? https://gosupermodel.com/item/JxtD7uCwgysKzSvHkPBG1 You're the green frog! You're very practical and a bit of the mom of the group. If you don't be responsible and organised, who's going to?! You act out of logic and good reasoning. › Take goTest
goTests created by Sammakko
Title Description  
› Are you Alpha, Sigma or Yogurt male Very real, rad and cool test! NO JOKES HERE! Masculine urge to be ALPHA MALE! LETS GO › Take goTest