10 latest goTests taken by margiela

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by margiela tell about her.

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Title Result  
whats your zodiac sign? You give me water sign vibes!! Scorpio, pisces and cancer! Water signs are known for their connection to their emotions and those around them! They take their family and home life very seriously, making them loving partners. You're wonderful! › Take goTest
Smash or pass - picky eater edition Unfortunately or fortunately, you decide, you’re a picky eater :o › Take goTest
Which feminist book should you read? You should read "The Guilty Feminist" by Deborah Frances-White. Find out more about the book here: https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/2cbf30b8-0d3d-4324-9e85-d3d52453a106 › Take goTest
What is your personality type? I - Influence. You love change and new challenges. You are very talkative and like to interact with others. New projects are quickly started with great energy and positivity. › Take goTest
are we alike? pretty similar!!! › Take goTest
Netflix QUIZ Wow you're a PRO! Netflix should pay you to watch, not the other way around. Keep it going <3 Have a nice day!! › Take goTest
Are you a gSm expert? Congratulations! You are an expert and know all the little details about goSupermodel. › Take goTest
goTests created by margiela