10 latest goTests taken by Stormz

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Stormz tell about them.

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Title Result  
Which McDonald's menu item are you? The big mac! A classic that a lot of people have tried. You come regularly and order food because you like McDonald's and McDonald's loves you. You go to McDonald's as often as you can. McDonald's is a safe space for you and McDonald's is LIFE › Take goTest
Are you more like Wednesday or Enid? ur the secret third option - Tyler the Hyde. do with that info what you will. im sorry › Take goTest
What HP House are you in? You are a Slytherin through and through. But you knew that already, didn't you? › Take goTest
Netflix QUIZ Wow you're a PRO! Netflix should pay you to watch, not the other way around. Keep it going <3 Have a nice day!! › Take goTest
HARRY POTTER HOUSE TEST Congratulations! You're a Slytherin! › Take goTest
goTests created by Stormz