10 latest goTests taken by Koroba

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Koroba tell about him.

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Title Result  
What Type Of Witch Are You? No doubt, you are a COSMIC WITCH. The moon and the stars give you great comfort and when the stars align just right, you know how to use that power for your magic practice. Best of luck with your witches training. › Take goTest
Are you smart? 2 › Take goTest
Trick or Treat? BOOOOOOOO u baddie u get TRICKED " " behave or else!!!!!!! santa is keeping a close eye on u and if i were u i would do better before christmas!!!!! santa is gonna be very upset with u!! & › Take goTest
I guess your kink Your kink is: being a dominatrix › Take goTest
Let me guess how many sex partners you’ve had Between 3-10 sex partners › Take goTest
your mommy level your mommy level ain't much - but you gotta live your truth so you do you hunty › Take goTest
Who's Your Moderator Twin? You have the most in common with moderator Ivy! › Take goTest
What is your mental age? Your mental age is 16-23. You think you are an adult, but you really are just a teen. It's not maybe a bad thing :) You are outgoing, brave, but a little sensitive. › Take goTest
Can I guess your age? You are somewhere between 10-13 › Take goTest
goTests created by Koroba