10 latest goTests taken by meem

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by meem tell about them.

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Title Result  
Discover your Katy Perry Match goTest

The Katy Perry song that matches your personality is... Hot 'N Cold


Almost fifteen years later, this song is still a vibe. You are edgy and bold, and we love you for it. 

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Are you smarter than a 5th grader? CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE SMARTER THAN A 5TH GRADER! › Take goTest
Test Your Knowledge of The Old GSM You've been here a long time, you know all about the old GSM. That is amazing, not everyone has a memory like yours, I know I don't. › Take goTest
What hesburger meal are you? chiucken burger meal. Classic. › Take goTest
your zodiac sign based on the food you choose Earth Sign (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) › Take goTest
Which color are you? You are PINK! You have a sweet and caring personality, and you dream big. You can be the life of the party, but you usually prefer sharing the spotlight with your friends. You like animals, hanging out with friends, and following popular trends. › Take goTest
HOTNESS TEST Giiiiiiiirl!!! You're the hottest in town, keep doing you boo! › Take goTest
Guessing your zodiac sign You are a water sign - pisces, cancer or scorpio! › Take goTest
how norwegian are you? Do you even know where norway is?? › Take goTest
goTests created by meem