10 latest goTests taken by kimmalle

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by kimmalle tell about her.

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Title Result  
"Never have i ever" You didn't pass u baddie - slay <3 › Take goTest
Which Lana del Rey song are you? Ultraviolence You ok? › Take goTest
How many camels are you worth? Amazing, you are worth 58 camels. What a deal! › Take goTest
The one with trick questions Oh, so close, but not close enough ): › Take goTest
Are you a gSm expert? No no no... Sorry, you're not an expert. Try again? › Take goTest
what is your mental finnish home town As Danny said: Kuusamo...now calls me that kuusamo. you are a forest goblin who doesnt need anyone to company them except the fresh rainy breeze. you see people when you feel to, and the cold never bothered you anyway. you are the finnish embodiment › Take goTest
What kind of dessert are you? You are a cinnamon bun! › Take goTest
what moomin character are you? you are snorkmaiden! you are creative, resourceful and a quick thinker. you hold your loved ones close and you enjoy collecting beautiful jewellery. › Take goTest
What hesburger meal are you? double burger meal! legendary burger with to patties between three buns. nice. › Take goTest
HOW FINNISH ARE YOU!!!!!!! You are a true finn!!!!!! awesome congrats › Take goTest
goTests created by kimmalle