10 latest goTests taken by miumiu

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by miumiu tell about them.

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Title Result  
What animal are you? You are a dog! Specifically a golden retriever. A loyal, amazing friend who loves going for long walks who is willing to do whatever to see their friends happy. › Take goTest
what kind of dessert are you? fruit cake, you love to try new things. you are always looking for a new adventure in life. you are creative, highly motivated and keep your mind open. at first, people may not like you, but after a while, they tend to fall in love with you. › Take goTest
Do you look like me? We are kind of similar, not entirely, but I would definitely like to know you! › Take goTest
Can I guess your age? You are a teenager! › Take goTest
which underappreciated kpop group should you stan? bdc !! lots of songs revolving around the moon (get it) and deserve better. small group of 3 who are all my sons start off with ... "shoot the moon" or "moonlight "!! › Take goTest
Which color are you? You are YELLOW › Take goTest
which kpop girl group you should stan :) you should stan dreamcatcher :) my favorite songs from them are vision, in the frozen and chase me › Take goTest
HOTNESS TEST Giiiiiiiirl!!! You're the hottest in town, keep doing you boo! › Take goTest
goTests created by miumiu
Title Description  
› would i listen to ur playlist :D › Take goTest