10 latest goTests taken by Maja

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Maja tell about them.

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Title Result  
Wednesday, is that you? Well well well If it isn't our girl Wednesday. We love you and your detective skills! › Take goTest
Are you hungry You should order food! Give yourself some love <3 › Take goTest
What kind of animal are you? You are most probably a cat. Tired and main source of fuel is coffee. You might not be grumpy or sad, but you enjoy spending time by yourself and are a bit more introverted. Psst.. this is definitely the one I am. › Take goTest
take my test yes, ty so much › Take goTest
 Random trivia questions  Wow you're really good at this!! › Take goTest
goTests created by Maja
Title Description  
› Math Test › Take goTest