10 latest goTests taken by Qviz

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Qviz tell about her.

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Title Result  
General Knowledge Quiz You are a superquizer! Thanks for taking my quiz. I hope you liked it! › Take goTest
Finish that vine-quote (part 2) You’re so golden… dududuududmdudududum (insert Harry Styles song). No but actually, you smashed this and i’m proud of you › Take goTest
do your feet smells like my friend ingrids room your feet smells like heaven and roses congrats › Take goTest
How healthy are you? You live a little more healthy than most - but remember, too much 'healthy' isn't healthy either. Live a little and enjoy some chocolate and wine too! › Take goTest
ADHD test You most likely have ADHD! You should still go get checked with a doctor! › Take goTest
Are you really a FRIENDS Netflix/HBO show super fan? Its a honor to meet you! You really are a super fan <3 I know when I see someone with GREAT TASTE!! › Take goTest
Which You got Exist For Love! Hope you enjoyed this goTest! If you haven't already heard this song, you should check it out! And if you like AURORA and her music please come talk to me about it!! B) › Take goTest
Would my cat like you? Luna would love you! <3 You are clearly a cat person and good with cats (: › Take goTest
What art period are you? Hellenistic greek art! Some call it the downfall of the greek art, but that's only because you've driven the "perfected" art style to ***! You're very expressive, show emotions and might sometimes be a little dramatic, but that's just fun! › Take goTest
goTests created by Qviz
Title Description  
› Which character are you in FRIENDS? Do you like Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler and Joey? Find out which personality you are! › Take goTest