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Play it just for me. As the seasons change.. remember how I used to be ♡
10 latest goTests taken by Pehmeh

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Pehmeh tell about them.

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Title Result  
Who are you from Camp Rock 2? You are Shane Gray! You're passionate about your art and will have a hard time if you have to prioritize something else above it. You have your own unique way of thinking and don't like following what other people do. › Take goTest
What color are you? You got Peach! You are Shy, Passionate & Patient. › Take goTest
A btch, a lover, a child, a mother, a sinner or a saint? You're a mother! Maybe in real life as well, maybe not (yet...). Take care. › Take goTest
What is your fashion style? Congratulations! Your preferred clothing brand is minimalistic, sleek and sophisticated. Brands such as Gucci, Prada, and Saint Laurent align with your fashion preferences. › Take goTest
What color are you? Let me guesss.... You are the color BROWN! <3 Love that color, you should send a me friend request $ › Take goTest
Test your written English  A+ you did very well bestie, slay! › Take goTest
What is the reason you ended up in a prison? Your impulsive and reckless tendencies were noted on a holiday trip abroad and a local mob wanted you to be a mule for illegal substances. After little convincing you were in but got caught at the airport. Now you are experiencing crazy trip to jail. › Take goTest
Are you a Gilmore girl? SOOKIE ST. JAMES You are a little distracted at times, but when a friend is in need you always try to help › Take goTest
Are you like me (puukkojuhla)? You're like me, but you're not me. You're like a half-me. A mini-me, if you will. It's not good nor bad. › Take goTest
goTests created by Pehmeh
Title Description  
› Fast animals A short test if you know which are the fastest animals! › Take goTest