10 latest goTests taken by Ini

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Ini tell about them.

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Title Result  
How well do you know European capitols? Great job! You know your European countries and their capitol! › Take goTest
What type of girl are you? You dare everything! You are not afraid of anything and no one and love a lot of fun. <3 › Take goTest
Awesome music quiz Very amazing! you are good!! › Take goTest
Are you in love? <3 YES YOU ARE IN LOVE <3 SLAY › Take goTest
Which Powerpuff Girl are you? You're Bubbles! You're probably adorable and the softest of your friend group. You keep everyone laughing and smiling especially when they need it most. But, don't let the sweetheart personality fool anyone because you can absolutely kick *** too! › Take goTest
Are you gay? You're not gay › Take goTest
goTests created by Ini
Title Description  
› Are you an EXTROVERT or INTROVERT? Let's see.. › Take goTest