10 latest goTests taken by Asterxia

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Asterxia tell about her.

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Title Result  
What kind of cat am I ? Oh, you little lazy kitty cat! You can't wait your owner to wake up, so you can get treats for going to sleep again. *Going to Work? What ist that??* Lazy and sleepy, like a cute little sloth. But why not? Cuddling is for free! › Take goTest
What Type Of Witch Are You? You are a true NATURE WITCH. You are connected to Mother Earth, a friend to all animals and a powerful plant magician. Best of luck with your witches training. › Take goTest
how well do u know me? u kinda know me, and that's good enough for me!! mwah  › Take goTest
which wwe wrestler are you? you're charlotte flair!! you're classy, elegant and always strive to be perfect which is not necessarily a bad thing, but rememeber to take care of yourself in between the punches } › Take goTest
which taylor swift song are you? you are "tolerate it" from the evermore album!! probably one of the saddest songs in her discography. i don’t know what to say other than… you deserve better, my love  › Take goTest
Which Disney princess? (2) You are princess Jasmine! You like to explore the world and finding yummy food. Fly in the sky, make your dream come true♡ › Take goTest
Which princess are you? You are Mulan! Life can be hard and than it's up to make the right decision! This is you! You don't give up and fight for it! With your fighting spirit you totally will get there! But near adventure you also enjoy the silence of nature › Take goTest
Do you look like a Vamp, Mermaid, Witch or Fairy? Yay, it seems like you are a fairy <3 Most of your features tend to look like this cute and warming creature. Maybe that’s why you will never grow up. › Take goTest
What flower are you? A DAISY! You, my little sweetie, are an obvious daisy. You are fun, you are fresh, you bring light and an oomph of goodness. Like a little piece of sun! <3 › Take goTest
Which crystal are you? You are a ROSE QUARTZ! The crystal of love. It is said to help with both loving yourself and attracting loving energy <3 › Take goTest
goTests created by Asterxia