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10 latest goTests taken by kissaleidi

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by kissaleidi tell about them.

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Title Result  
Which og Monster High character are you most like? You're most like Frankie Stein! <3 › Take goTest
Sims 4 Yaaas queeeen! › Take goTest
Do you know Lady Gagas song lyrics? Nope, you don't know the lyrics:( › Take goTest
HOW FINNISH ARE YOU!!!!!!! You are a true finn!!!!!! awesome congrats › Take goTest
Which Moomin character are you? You are Moomintroll! › Take goTest
How much do we have in common? We are very much a like! Wow! It's almost like we're twins! › Take goTest
whats your zodiac sign? You give me fire sign vibes!! Saggittarius, aries and leo! Fire signs are known for their boldness, brash, creative, and daring; they can burn too brightly, though, and their tempers run hot. But you're amazing! › Take goTest
Are you gay? You are gay › Take goTest
I'll guess your age! You must be older than 25! Send me a greeting if that was correct :) › Take goTest
goTests created by kissaleidi
Title Description  
› Which The Simpsons character are you? Let's find out which The Simpsons family character you are! Don't take this quiz too seriously › Take goTest