10 latest goTests taken by funky

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by funky tell about them.

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Title Result  
Who should you date? You should definitely date yourself! › Take goTest
what gender are you??? Congrats! Youre a redditor!!! › Take goTest
to me LMAO › Take goTest
What core -aesthetic are you? Goblincore! You enjoy things that most people don't. You're laidback and open for everything › Take goTest
How CYBER-aware are you? Ooof girl- PLEASE try to learn more :( you're not safe at all online and you need to put some thought into your digital footprint and how you sort and process your data. It is extremely easy for people to make cyberthreats so dont become a victim › Take goTest
Quiz - how smart are you? 10/10 › Take goTest
What city in Finland are you? You're Oulu › Take goTest
Which Moomin character are you? You got Snorkmaiden! You are creative and possess a big imagination! You're really good at problem solving, and you're very resourceful. You have a lot of energy, and a proud personality, but overall you are warmhearted, and a very loyal friend. › Take goTest
what moomin character are you? you are snufkin! you are a free spirit who values their independence. you are quiet, but confident and willing to challenge authorities when needed. you enjoy simple things in life - nature, walking alone and doing your own thing. › Take goTest
goTests created by funky
Title Description  
› have a seat lets have a talk › Take goTest