10 latest goTests taken by annie-

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by annie- tell about her.

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Title Result  
Are you giving Golden Retriever or Black Cat Vibes Oh you are giving so many golden retriever vibes. You are the sun in the group - everybody loves you. You are kind and how ever you always smell fresh and clean. You are really open and here to meet new people. :) › Take goTest
What depression meal are you? You are just a bunch of snacks. Chips, chocolate, cookies - whatever's in the house and isn't an actual dinner. You're very social, loved but also hated. And kinda weird. › Take goTest
What kind of shrimp are you? You are a Tiger Prawn. Adaptable and resilient, you thrive in various environments and are known for your striking appearance and impressive size. Big baby. I love you. › Take goTest
What kind of apple are you? You are the lovely Pink Lady apple! You're creative and low- maintenance, just here for a good time really. › Take goTest
Endometriosis Awareness Month Well done! You have excellent knowledge about endometriosis. Your understanding and awareness of this condition are commendable. Here is the goCode EndoAwareness › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

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How would you die in Sims 4? Cause of death: Dead of laughter. Look, dude, you need to take a chill-pill. You're all over the place and it's not good for you. You are simply having way too much fun with life. Go watch a sad movie or something. › Take goTest
Do you need therapy? You might need therapy! You chose the answers that's mostly connected to being nervous (maybe you have anxiety and/or depression) and get easily scared, tired or avoidant/numb. Therapy might help you on your self love journey <3 › Take goTest
Smash or pass - picky eater edition Congratulations you finished the goTest!! You’re not a picky eater :o › Take goTest
What kind of ghost are you? Awkward ghost. Still trying to get the hang of the whole ghost thing. Probably rocking a white sheet and getting mistaken for a kid playing dress up. Not very scary. › Take goTest
goTests created by annie-