10 latest goTests taken by ila

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by ila tell about them.

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Title Result  
how well do you know ritamaria? Wow! You know me very well <3 We must have had a few conversations together since you knew all this › Take goTest
What Do You Like Thank you for participating this GoTest <3 › Take goTest
something about you Thankyou for participating this test <3 I LOVE IT › Take goTest
Are you a Rori or a Camzilla?

OMG! You are totally a fashionista like Rori. I bet you have a giant wardrobe collection and care about collecting rare, special items too. 

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Daddy or no daddy? Unexpected. You're MY dad, woogie woogie. › Take goTest
Which 1D album are you? Up All Night. You're a baby, but very lovable. › Take goTest
What animal are you? You were a Tiger. You were fierce and ferocious and it still shows. Your temper and attitude is unpredictable and not well understood. You re a product of nature's beauty, but you're also a short-tempered beast. › Take goTest
your zodiac sign based on the food you choose Earth Sign (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) › Take goTest
Are you an OG-gSm person?? you know EVERYTHING!!! You're an real OG <33 › Take goTest
goTests created by ila