10 latest goTests taken by illu

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by illu tell about them.

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Title Result  
Which McDonald's menu item are you? A sundae! A love ice cream with either chocolate, caramel, or strawberry. You are sweet and like being social with your friends at McDonald's. You are usually not there alone but like to get a sweet snack here and there... › Take goTest
What depression meal are you? You are boxed mac 'n cheese. You aren't suitable for many people, but you're a loyal and understanding friend. You're a quiet person and think logical. › Take goTest
boomer no chance you are a boomer, but hopefully you will become one › Take goTest
are u fucking annoying? oki smart *** you are not that annoying › Take goTest
What sexy object are you? Taxidermied scorpion Wow, intense. You love flirting, teasing, seeing the lust in their eyes. You're brave, know what you want, and you're not afraid to ask for it. People want to please you, and you want them to want that! Kinda intimidating. › Take goTest
What is ur gsm love language? Thrall (slave basically) You bump everyone's topic. If your friend is looking to buy an item you will help them find it. You always get an extra gocode in case they don ´t. You bid on their auctions to help them raise the price. You would do anything! › Take goTest
Guessing your favorite color based on ur answers It must be orange, green, brown or something idk How would i know › Take goTest
Where does humans find you? You live inside ppls homes when they're at work and school. You warm yourself in their bed and eat small bites out of their food. They don't understand who is using their Netflix account. You hide under their bed at night after stealing their plushie › Take goTest
Which Rocketman outfit are you? You're THE Overalls from the Crocodile Rock scene. You're trying to find your own steady ground, and you will get there one day. Remember you can do more than you think. › Take goTest
goTests created by illu
Title Description  
› Are you Nelly, Alex or Julia? I'll tell you who your bestie is › Take goTest
› i'll give you an anime recommendation <3 hi, take a seat, results will be ready shortly. DON'T FORGET TO HYDRATE! › Take goTest