10 latest goTests taken by Queenofmyths

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Queenofmyths tell about them.

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Title Result  
Let me guess your zodiac sign You are defiantly an earth sign! You must be Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. You tend to be stable, grounded, and practical. › Take goTest
Which drawing supply are you? You are watercolour! Or as the french would say 'aquarelle'. Your outfits flow nicely, are comfortable and you probably work with layers. Even though you might sometimes be a bit chaotic, you are also very chill and flexible! › Take goTest
what bread are you? you are a baguette. blonde and tall. gorgeous. and always gone too soon. commitment issues? › Take goTest
Are you a GSM veteran? 8B 9C 10ABC <3 › Take goTest
goTests created by Queenofmyths
Title Description  
› Are you a true fashionista Fashion trends change so quickly, so it takes a lot of dedication to keep up! Are you a fashion guru? Do you refuse to buy anything unless it's right off the runway? Tell me what's in your closet with this test! › Take goTest
› Do you need to get a life? This test will tell you if you need to to get a life Remember, this is all fun and games, so don't take anything to personally. › Take goTest