10 latest goTests taken by LeifGW

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by LeifGW tell about her.

You can also take the goTests yourself and see if you get the same results!
Title Result  
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

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Will your model get deleted one day? There isn't a high chance of you getting deleted, but you might wanna read the rules to make sure you know what you can and can't do lol › Take goTest
Are we alike? Wow, we are really alike! Does this mean we are besties now? › Take goTest
Are you Hellcat or estupendo congrats, you're Hellcat › Take goTest
are u fucking annoying? You are definitely fucking annoying  › Take goTest
do you like chili? You absolutely love chili let's get married › Take goTest
Are you a Rori or a Camzilla?

Lovely! You are just as sweet, caring and fun-loving as Camzilla. You get energy from interacting with others in the Forums and have a natural curiosity for other people. 

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How many red flags do YOU have?? You're doing good, everyone has at least a few red flags!! › Take goTest
What’s your FRIENDS appartment? You would match perfectly with Rachel and Monica! Girls talk, cooking some cookies with Monica and going out with Rachel. You enjoy having them around when you are talking about ur problems. They are always there for u! (Hope u had fun.) › Take goTest
goTests created by LeifGW