10 latest goTests taken by Desdemon

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Desdemon tell about her.

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Title Result  
What kind of pizza are you? You are a Quattro Formaggi (four cheese) Pizza! This pizza is known for its rich flavour and variety of cheeses, and it's perfect for those who appreciate peace and relaxation, as it can be enjoyed while unwinding with a good book or movie at home! › Take goTest
Which country should you move to? Are you... okay? I'm sorry if this comes as a shock, but it seems like you might find your spiritual homeland in Finland. › Take goTest
Would I date you? Feeling sick lately. My doc says I´m missing vitamin U! Not sure if we would last, but the journey would def be worth it „  › Take goTest
how many camels are you worth? 52 camels! congrats › Take goTest
How Finnish are you? 100% › Take goTest
what will you get arrested for you will be arrested for your ties to the local anarchist group, after they try to take over a police station. 14 casualties, but you will not be among them, as you were at home, playing online games › Take goTest
do u need therapy? YES! u could use therapy babes. therapy is good. if not therapy, then talk to someone you trust. mental health is important and it should not be taboo. › Take goTest
are you a walking red flag? you're a walking red flag, you're oozing toxicity pls fix up. › Take goTest
Are you toxic? Congrats you are just a normal human being › Take goTest
Which Twilight character are you? You're Bella Swan! Down to earth, kind hearted and a bit clumsy. › Take goTest
goTests created by Desdemon
Title Description  
› What chocolate flavour are you? Come and find out which chocolate flavor you are. › Take goTest