10 latest goTests taken by masi

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by masi tell about them.

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Title Result  
Sorting hat RAVENCLAW! Congratulations on making the house that values intelligence, learning, wisdom and wit. › Take goTest
What kind of coffee drink are you? You are a mix of AMERICANO and CAPPUCCINO! You sure like your coffee strong! You have big ambitions and huge passion in life for the things you love - which makes you prone to not giving up until you've met your goals! That's amazing! › Take goTest
What animal am I? TRUE OUTCOME! if you've chosen 1B (vegetarian), 2D (white), 3C (spring), 4A (sightseeing) and 5B (water).... CONGRATULATIONS YOU'RE A COW!!!!!! You're inner animal in mooing SO HARD you instantly want to form into one. › Take goTest
is edward or jacob ur soulmate u are team jacob!!! AWOOOO *BARKS* › Take goTest
Harry Potter: Easy Sorting Hat quiz RAVENCLAW! You're clever and whip smart, and need to be surrounded by like-minded people. Congrats on joining Ravenclaw! › Take goTest
which my little pony character r u Fluttershy › Take goTest
What bread are you? You're rye bread › Take goTest
goTests created by masi